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Development and/or incorporation of Bioinformatic Tools for the storing, processing and visualizing of genomic data

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The identification of economically relevant genes might translate into considerable competitive advantage in markets more and more competitive and globalized. Genes which are associated with plague resistance, productivity increase and organoleptic attributes (which can be experienced by the senses such as color, taste and texture) appreciated by consumers are extremely important to the Brazilian stockbreeding market. There is a considerable number of bioinformatic tools that are available to the public. It's necessary, for instance, to internalize the tools which are most useful and technologically advanced, and also, to develop bioinformatic tools that meet the specific demands of genetic improvement inside Embrapa's System and aim to identify genes of interest to the stockbreeding market.


Status: Completed Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2008 Conclusion date: Sat Dec 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2011

Head Unit: Embrapa Digital Agriculture

Project leader: Michel Eduardo Beleza Yamagishi

Contact: michel.yamagishi@embrapa.br