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Digital platform e-Códex: a hybrid virtual space.

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Author(s): SOUZA, M. I. F.; TORRES, T. Z.; CARVALHO, J. R. P. de; SILVA, J. dos S. V. da; EVANGELISTA, S. R. M.; APOLINÁRIO, D. R. de F.

Summary: Mobile learning is the kind of learning that applies mainly to non-formal education actions from the perspective of continuing education. Within the scope of companies, the demand for educational actions is increasing, notably focused on distance education and training, aimed at both internal and external audiences. However, for the implementation of activities dedicated to mobile learning, it is necessary to develop a digital platform to host the virtual learning environment. Under these conditions, it should be structured in a flexible format and design to encourage interactivity between learners and teachers in the implementation of teaching and learning activities. The article presents and discusses a proposal for a digital mobile platform, called e-Códex, which aims to support educational actions, to promote collaboration and learning, as well as to meet the information dissemination and knowledge generation needs of the Brazilian agroforestry sector.

Publication year: 2017

Types of publication: Journal article