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Framing concepts of agriculture 5.0 via bipartite analysis.

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Author(s): BERGIER, I.; BARBEDO, J. G. A.; BOLFE, E. L.; ROMANI, L. A. S.; INAMASU, R. Y.; MASSRUHA, S. M. F. S.

Summary: This study reviews current knowledge on digital agriculture, analyzing scientific data through an undirected bipartite network that links journals and author keywords from articles retrieved from Clarivate Web of Science. The main goal is to outline a framework that integrates various sustainability concepts, emphasizing both well-studied (economic) and underexplored (socioenvironmental) aspects of Agriculture 5.0. This framework categorizes sustainability concepts into material (tangible) and immaterial (intangible) values based on their supporting or influencing roles within the agriculture domain, as documented in the scientific literature.

Publication year: 2024

Types of publication: Journal article