Produção de mudas de maracujá-doce.

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Autoria: BRAGA, M. F.; JUNQUEIRA, N. T. V.

Resumo: ABSTRACT: The sweet passion fruit could be propagated by seeds, cuttings, grafting and micro propagation. Seeds and cuttings propagation, are more usual. Most commercial plants are produced by seeds, although, these two methods have specific aspects, and choice between them will depend on the goals and facilities that will be needed to do that. Propagation by seeds will require careful stock choice, because of incompatibility between plants originated from seeds with common stocks. Seeds should be sown immediately after removing from the fruit free of pulp. Besides taking care of productive and phytosanitary aspects, the stocks must be heterogeneous, due to incompatibility problems with future generations. The same purpose must be applied to cuttings stocks that even may need only artificial pollination. The choice of right containers, growing medium, preventive pest and disease management, irrigation system, adequate and cleaned facilities, are important factors that must be taken in consideration for successful quality plant production.

Ano de publicação: 2003

Tipo de publicação: Folhetos

Unidade: Embrapa Cerrados

Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril

Rodovia dos Pioneiros MT-222, Km 2,5, Zona Rural Caixa Postal: 343 CEP: 78550-970 - Sinop - MT
Fone: (66) 3211-4220 - Fax: (66) 3211-4221