Embrapa Amapá
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Cheloniculture is the practice of producing captive chelonians for commercial purposes, with a focus on human food. It is aimed at conserving chelonian species threatened by predatory hunting, mainly done for the trafficking and commercialization of wild animal meat. Although cheloniculture has been legal for decades, it is still developing slowly due to various factors, including the cost of the final product compared to the product from trafficking. This makes the products in this chain niche Status: Completed Start date: 01/10/2022 |
The use of essential oils is a very promising alternative in the control of monogenous worms in tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), however there are few studies on the antihelmintic activity of oils in these ectoparasites, considering the great diversity of bioactive substances they have. This study aims to establish strategies in vitro and in vivo (therapeutic baths) for monogenesis control in tambaqui using essential oil of Cymbopogom citratus (lemongrass or lemongrass), Lippia grata (Rosemary-d Status: Completed Start date: 01/02/2020 |
The Project aims to search for ingredients that replace or, at least, reduce the amount of fish meal used in the tambaqui ration produced in captivity. In this project, the feasibility of using fish residues (in the production of silage) and vegetable residues (buriti, cassava and pineapple) in the manufacture of feeds will be evaluated through the health condition and zootechnical parameters and performance of tambaquis (Colossoma macropomum). The results obtained may make it possible to red ...Status: Completed Start date: 01/01/2019 |
This project proposes the adaptation and improvement of technologies for the intensive polyculture of tambaqui and shrimp in recirculation system and its integration with the production of vegetables in an ecological based system through the use of waste for the generation of biofertilizer and organic compounds. The project seek through technical-scientific experiments to adapt and develop technologies for the intensive cultivation of tambaqui and Amazon shrimp in a system of water recirculat ...Status: Completed Start date: 01/01/2019 |
Project that aims to generate and disseminate technical information through strategic technology transfer actions for producers and technicians of technical assistance and rural extension (ATER), aiming to strengthen and make the production chain of fish and shrimp culture self-sufficient in the production of young forms of tambaqui, pirarucu and Amazonian shrimp, in the state of Amapá. This project also aims to implement Technical Reference Units (TRU) for the reproductive management of piraruc ... Status: Completed Start date: 01/01/2019 |
The Kamukaia project, in its third phase, focuses on valuing non-timber forest products (NTFP) in the Amazon, aiming at promoting the multiple use of sociobiodiversity products in agroextractive communities and their economic strengthening. The management and the transformation of NTFP are important links for the strengthening of their value chains, essential for the conservation of ecosystems and economic development in the Amazon. It is in this sense that the project is structured, also aim ...Status: Completed Start date: 01/01/2019 |
Project that aims to generate and disseminate technical information through strategic technology transfer actions for producers and technicians of technical assistance and rural extension (ATER), aiming to strengthen and make the production chain of fish and shrimp culture self-sufficient in the production of young forms of tambaqui, pirarucu and Amazonian shrimp, in the state of Amapá. Status: Completed Start date: 01/07/2018 |
This project aims to evaluate the effects of food supplementation based on buriti fruits (Mauritia flexuosa) for the production of yellow-spotted river turtle (Podocnemis unifilis) in captivity, by means of zootechnical indices, hematological response, carcass yield and meat and fat composition of the animals. It is intended to generate a formulation of pelletized supplement based on buriti for farmed yellow-spotted river turtle, in addition to recommending quantity and period of supplementation Status: Completed Start date: 01/05/2018 |
The Brazil-nut (Bertholletia excelsa) is one of the most noble species of the forest due to the high value of its nuts, which is a rich source of vitamin E, complex B, besides minerals like phosphorus, potash, magnesium, calcium and selenium. The B. excels is much appreciated in natural and the “milk” extracted from its nut can be drank pure, mostly for infants and as an ingredient in recipes. This “milk” is an excellent raw material for the formulation of new products, but research studies a ...Status: Completed Start date: 01/08/2017 |
The Amapá state has extensive forests and savannas, which are important carbon stocks being negatively affected due to agricultural, forestry and industrial activities. Thus the project aims to develop a methodology applicable to the entire State of Amapá, aiming to reach all types of existing vegetation, being the basis for estimates of forest biomass and the quantification of carbon stocks, in addition to enabling the monitoring of changes caused on biomass due to the economic activities de ...Status: Completed Start date: 01/12/2016 |