Embrapa Amapá
Busca de Projetos
Valorazing non-timber forest products in the Amazon

Photo: Paiva, Paulo Marcelo Veras de
The Kamukaia project, in its third phase, focuses on valuing non-timber forest products (NTFP) in the Amazon, aiming at promoting the multiple use of sociobiodiversity products in agroextractive communities and their economic strengthening. The management and the transformation of NTFP are important links for the strengthening of their value chains, essential for the conservation of ecosystems and economic development in the Amazon. It is in this sense that the project is structured, also aiming at the implementation and strengthening of sociobiodiversity policies and of the forest economy. Main results and impacts expected from the project: recommendations for management and diversification of use, viability of production systems, stock estimates and productive potential of species, availability of information on the current and potential supply and demand of NTFP with consolidated use (andiroba, copaíba, cipó-titica), products with an established quality standard, subsidies to the sociobiodiversity minimum price policy, increased income for agroextractivists, strengthening social capital and generating opportunities for maintaining young people in their communities, characterizing the agents who participate in the production, commercialization, valorization of NTFP, and start studies with new potential species (pracaxi and urucuri).
Status: Completed Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019 Conclusion date: Fri Dec 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2021
Head Unit: Embrapa Amapá
Project leader: Ana Claudia Lira Guedes
Contact: ana-lira.guedes@embrapa.br