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Beans - Jalo Precoce

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Photo: ARAÚJO, Sebastião José de

Jalo Precoce cultivar is an option for producers interested in producing common beans of the ‘manteigão’ commercial group. This cultivar stands out for its large grains, comprising uniformity of size and color, as well as good culinary qualities. It has an early cycle and plants of semi-erect size, enabling indirect mechanized harvesting. Regarding diseases, it presents moderate reaction to anthracnose, common bacterial blight, rust and fusarium wilt.

For further details, access technical publications about this cultivar and always consult an agronomist.

Where to find:
Essa cultivar é de domínio público e a Embrapa não controla a produção de sementes e mudas realizada por terceiros.

Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2003

Country: Brazil Region: Central-West, Northeast, Southeast Biome: Cerrado, Pampa

Responsible Unit: Embrapa Rice & Beans

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