Embrapa Rice & Beans
Busca de Produtos e Serviços
BRS Pampa irrigated rice cultivar

Photo: LANZETTA, Paulo
BRS Pampas is a distinguished product in the market as it combines high yield potential and excellence in grain quality in the same technological asset. The grains of this cultivar are currently classified as premium rice, whose value has appreciated as the industry recognizes its high quality. Its grains are long and thin, resembling needles, with a light-colored pilous hull and low incidence of challkiness, and feature a soft and loose texture after cooking. The milling recovery for the grains, in normal environmental and farm management conditions, is above 62% of polished whole grains, with total yield of 68%. It shows high yield potential and early cycle, which saves irrigation water. Another important characteristic the cultivar presents is reaction to iron toxicity, as iron toxicity is a large problem in Rio Grande do Sul state. It offers moderate resistance to the main rice diseases, reducing the number of fungicide applications in the farms.
Where to find:
AGS Insumos Agrícolas Ltda.
(55) 3422-1657
Alegrete, RS
Antônio José Velho Martins e Filhos
(51) 99802-1519
Mostardas, RS
Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2011
Country: Brazil Region: South State: Rio Grande do Sul Biome: Pampa
Responsible Unit: Embrapa Temperate Agriculture
Participating Units: Embrapa Rice & Beans
Keywords: arroz irrigado, cultivar, genética, produtividade, grãos nobres