Food and drinks

Cowpea cookie

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Most cookies and biscuits for gluten-intolerant consumers are not nutritious, as the functionality of gluten is usually replaced by natural or modified starches, which are nutrient-poor compared to cowpea flour.

About the asset

The asset is a formulation and a process to obtain cookies based on cowpea cotyledon flour. It is a product that can be consumed by people with gluten intolerance or who choose not to consume it. Another application is in children's food, as it is nutritious and has good acceptance among them. In addition, it is a plant-based protein alternative for vegans. After the cookies are baked, they are crispy, caramel-colored and have a pleasant flavor. To make them more nutritionally rich, flavorful and aromatic, dried fruits and nuts can be added to the dough, adding value to the product.
Technology readiness level on TRL/MRL scale: 6
Theoretical models
Lab assays
Pilot scale
Final/full scale
Proof of concept

* Learn more about the TRL/MRL scale Embrapa adopted.

Characteristics in comparison with competitors available in the market
It is healthier and more nutritious than conventional cereal-based foods and does not contain gluten.
Impacts for the production sector and for society
- Unprecedented product for the market
- Product made with biofortified grains
- Product with nutritional quality, and flavor and appearance that appeal to consumers
- Gluten-free and more nutrient-rich product
- Nutrition: it has 2.5 times more protein than gluten-free cookies available on the market

Partnership goals

  • Market and/or Commercial Validation
  • Technical and/or Industrial Validation
  • Asset licensing
  • Codevelopment (proof of concept to prototype)
  • Market Development
What is expected from the partnership?
The partnership aims at the progressive improvement of product quality, considering that the industry has structure for large-scale production that meets the quality standards required by the market and by legislation, as well as trading for target audiences.
How will the technology be offered to the production sector?
It will be offered through the transfer of know–how aimed at market, commercial and industrial validations.
I am interested in this asset

If you are interested in this asset for a partnership with Embrapa, contact us:

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Embrapa Meio-Norte

Contact for business:

Deputy Head of Technological Transfer

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