Food and drinks

Gluten-free cake mix based on rice and bean by-products

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International studies indicate that 1% of the world's population has celiac disease. Offering products that improve the protein, B-complex vitamin and fiber profile is a novelty in the market of baked goods for celiac patients.

About the asset

It is a ready-to-bake cake mix based on flours made of broken rice and of extruded split beans, which is gluten-free and has good nutritional value and good technological and sensory quality. Extruded broken bean flour provides the cake mix with protein, total dietary fiber, ash, iron and zinc contents. In addition, the extrusion of bean flour reduces tannins (antinutrients), and has increased protein and starch digestibility in vitro. The product has good sensory and technological characteristics (texture, volume, flavor and color).
Technology readiness level on TRL/MRL scale: 5
Theoretical models
Lab assays
Pilot scale
Final/full scale
Proof of concept

* Learn more about the TRL/MRL scale Embrapa adopted.

Characteristics in comparison with competitors available in the market
The cake mix is a novelty, as its composition is not currently found in the Brazilian market.
Low allergenicity and good nutritional quality due to raw materials
Use of raw materials from the traditional Brazilian diet
Easy preparation
Impacts for the production sector and for society
Added value to by-products of the rice and bean production chain
Shelf life of 8 months
Gluten-free alternative product

Partnership goals

  • Market and/or Commercial Validation
What is expected from the partnership?
Validate the preparation of the mixture and the final product on an industrial scale
Trade and product insertion in the market
How will the technology be offered to the production sector?
This asset will be offered to the industrial segment as transfer of know-how on obtaining flours from broken rice and extruded split beans and the combination of ingredients for the preparation of the ready-made cake mix on a commercial scale.
I am interested in this asset

If you are interested in this asset for a partnership with Embrapa, contact us:

Responsible Unit:

Embrapa Arroz e Feijão

Contact for business:

Deputy-head of Technology Transfer

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