Animal production | Reproduction

Bovine Intrafollicular Immature Oocyte Transfer - IFIOT

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With around 60% of the world market, Brazil is the leader in the in vitro production of bovine embryos, and in vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most used biotechnique in the country for that purpose.
That is because IVF can increase the number of descendants of a cow in less time than other reproductive biotechniques like artificial insemination and classic embryo transfer.
Embryos produced in vitro are those obtained outside the maternal organism in lab conditions. In this process, the oocytes (eggs) are aspirated before their time, when they are still immature. After that, they are matured, fecundated, and cultivated in a laboratory. After seven days of the in-vitro culture, the embryos produced are transferred back to the receiving cows, the surrogates.
However, the disadvantage of using IVF is that embryos produced in lab conditions have lower quality than embryos produced in the maternal organism, and thus they are less resistant to freezing, many of which becoming unable to sustain a pregnancy. Moreover, the operational cost of IVF is high due to the time and the lab infrastructure required in the production routine.
Embrapa established an innovative biotechnique that features all the advantages of IVF plus an additional benefit: it does not need a laboratory to be performed. It is called IFIOT - Intrafollicular immature oocyte transfer. Breeders can obtain the embryos with the same expeditiousness of IVF without ever having to leave their farms. Eggs are aspirated in the same way as in IVF, but instead of being matured in a lab, they are cultivated inside the ovulating cow's body, taking advantage of its natural reproductive process. The egg fecundation happens through artificial insemination, and seven days later the developed embryos are collected and transferred to the surrogate cow, similarly to a classic embryo transfer.

About the asset

Methodology to improve the quality of embryos obtained from immature oocytes. Its main application is in the production of bovine embryos.
Technology readiness level on TRL/MRL scale: 7
Theoretical models
Lab assays
Pilot scale
Final/full scale
Proof of concept

* Learn more about the TRL/MRL scale Embrapa adopted.

Characteristics in comparison with competitors available in the market
The technology is relatively simple and breeders can obtain the embryos with the same expeditiousness of IVF without ever having to leave their farms. IFIOT's biggest advantage is that the process is performed inside the animal, that is, "the cow is the very own lab".
Impacts for the production sector and for society
Viable and sustainable alternative to produce embryos, without the need to use ovarian hyperstimulation and in vitro culture;
IFIOT technology is more affordable than IVF since there are no expenses with laboratory processes;
Obtainment of embryos with the same speed of IVF.

Partnership goals

  • Market and/or Commercial Validation
  • Market Development
What is expected from the partnership?
Enabling the commercial development of the asset and use of the Embrapa brand, as a distinctive trademark, to present this technological solution to the market for farmers.
How will the technology be offered to the production sector?
The methodology will be offered through training and publications.
I am interested in this asset

If you are interested in this asset for a partnership with Embrapa, contact us:

Contact for business:

Deputy Head of Technological Transfer

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