Hog plum sweet is artisanally produced and shows many differences among enterprises that produce the sweet in the Brazilian semi-arid region, lacking standardization. In addition, many of such sweets show syneresis and very dark color, decreasing their quality.
About the asset
Hog plum is a fruit from the Caatinga biome that has an exotic, slightly sour flavor, and it is enjoyed for consumption as fresh fruit or processed in the production of pulps and sweets. Although it is widely used by small agroindustries, there are limitations to the manufacture of byproducts, especially due to the little standardization of color, flavor and texture. Embrapa developed a hog plum sweet formulation with controlled quality parameters, more attractive coloring and decreased syneresis, which is the release of liquids on the surface of the sweet. The recipe favors the pronounced taste of the fruit and offers a 25.6% reduction in sugar content. Another advantage is that the formulation does not use preservatives or artificial colorants and flavors. The product can be traded to be consumed as dessert or as a filling in the area of pastries, expanding the possibilities of post-harvest use of hog plum, strengthening family farming in the Brazilian semiarid region.
Technology readiness level on TRL/MRL scale: 7
Theoretical models
Lab assays
Pilot scale
Final/full scale
Proof of concept
Characteristics in comparison with competitors available in the market
Innovative, distinguished, easy-to-handle and low-cost product, which reaches market niches for regional products that are underconsidered by large food industries.
Impacts for the production sector and for society
Dual-purpose product: consumption as dessert and use as filling in baked goods. It has different quality standards from existing products, with emphasis on a more pronounced fruit flavor. The composition of the sweet does not use preservatives, coloring or flavors and has 25.6% less sugar content.
Partnership goals
- Technical and/or Industrial Validation
- Market Development
What is expected from the partnership?
Testing the formula for production on an industrial scale, since the asset was developed and assessed on a pilot scale at Embrapa's laboratories and in small agroindustries. Studies for the product's technical adaptation towards having a processing that meets specific market niches, such as the organic one, family farming, etc.
How will the technology be offered to the production sector?
Training of multipliers: agroindustries, cooperative unions, farmers' associations; through technical cooperation contracts, training events, lectures; and dissemination through technical publications.
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