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Green cowpea thresher

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The low yield and great physical effort of the manual threshing process.A well-trained person is able to manually thresh between 4 and 6 kg/h of green cowpeas, as it is a laborious operation when the goal is to sell surplus production.

About the asset

The machine consists of a stainless steel rectangular structural box, where the following mechanical elements are installed: a pair of double hinges with bearings, which support a pair of gears, two cylinders, where on one of the axes there is a driven pulley, a belt stretcher, 250-Watt electric engine, a receiving tray, and chutes for the outbound beans and discarded materials, with the purpose of threshing green cowpeas.
Technology readiness level on TRL/MRL scale: 8
Theoretical models
Lab assays
Pilot scale
Final/full scale
Proof of concept

* Learn more about the TRL/MRL scale Embrapa adopted.

Characteristics in comparison with competitors available in the market
High yield in processing, excellent quality of the end product, high yield in comparison with manual threshing.
Impacts for the production sector and for society
Family farmers who produce green cowpeas and greengrocers will be able to count on equipment that facilitates the threshing process, which can improve their production capacity, trade and income.

Partnership goals

  • Brand licensing
  • Market and/or Commercial Validation
  • Technical and/or Industrial Validation
  • Asset licensing
  • Codevelopment (proof of concept to prototype)
  • Market Development
What is expected from the partnership?
Establishment of partnership contracts with industries to expand and organize the production of the equipment on a scale so that it reaches the market (growers, traders, farmers' markets).
How will the technology be offered to the production sector?
The machine project will be made available.
I am interested in this asset

If you are interested in this asset for a partnership with Embrapa, contact us:

Responsible Unit:

Embrapa Meio-Norte

Contact for business:

Deputy Head of Technological Transfer

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