Food and drinks
Pine nut flour-based baking mix for celiac patients
In the market there are few options of gluten-free flours for celiac patients.
About the asset
The asset is a baking mix made of Araucaria pine nut flour and rice flour, which can be used as an ingredient to make cake, bread and other doughs in general.
Technology readiness level on TRL/MRL scale: 4
Theoretical models
Lab assays
Pilot scale
Final/full scale
Proof of concept
Characteristics in comparison with competitors available in the market
It has resistant starch
High nutritional quality, significant amounts of proteins, minerals and dietary fiber
High nutritional quality, significant amounts of proteins, minerals and dietary fiber
Impacts for the production sector and for society
It is an ingredient that can be used to make several sweet and savory recipes with high nutritional value, and the target audience would be celiac patients, who cannot consume gluten.
Partnership goals
- Market and/or Commercial Validation
- Technical and/or Industrial Validation
What is expected from the partnership?
Transfer of know-how of the process of elaborating the baking mix for product development, with the aim of reaching an industrial scale and continuous production for future commercial exploration.
How will the technology be offered to the production sector?
Baking mix made of Araucaria pine nut flour and rice flour.
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