Assessment of collections
Assessment of collections
The process of evaluating and selecting collections is a necessary activity for the development of the collections in the libraries and contributes to a better fitting of its surroundings, of services offered and of the work of professionals. In it, the physical documents are evaluated by librarians and by members of the Evaluation Commission, with the validation of the manager, based on pre-established criteria. The objective is to catalogue the documents to meet the criteria for transfer and make them available in other Embrapa libraries. When there is no internal interest, the documents can be made available to external institutions, once existing norms are observed.
How to request the service: In the following chart there is a list of the documents available for transfer. The requests can be sent by e-mail, as described in the column “contact”. The document will be sent after the pandemic.
List of documents available for transfer
Libray | Act/ Date when it was first available | Responsible person/Contact | Lists |
Headquarters | BCA 8 | Rosângela Galon Arruda E-mail: | |
Embrapa Food Technology | BCA 1, | Celma Rivanda & Elisabete Soares E-mail: | |
Embrapa Western Amazon | BCA 1, Jan 04, 2021 | Maria Augusta Abtibol E-mail: | |
Embrapa Acre | BCA 48, | Renata Seabra E-mail: | |
Embrapa Rice and Beans | BCA 1, | Ana Lúcia Delalibera de Faria E-mail: | |
Embrapa Cocais | BCA 4, Jan 25, 2021 | Enila Nobre E-mail: | |
Embrapa Forestry | BCA 6, Jan 25, 2021 | Elizabeth Câmara E- | |
Embrapa Maize and Sorghum | BCA 13, Mar 22, 2021 | Rosângela Lacerda de Castro E-mail: | |
Embrapa Roraima | BCA 12, Mar 15, 2021 | Jeana Garcia Beltrão Macieira E-mail: | |
Embrapa Soybean | BCA 56, Dec 07, 2020 | Valéria Cardoso E-mail: | |
Embrapa Grape and Wine | BCA 23, May 07, 2021 | Rochelle Alvorcem E-mail: | |
Embrapa Pantanal | BCA 38, Aug 16, 2021 | Viviane de Oliveira Solano E-mail: | |
Embrapa Southern Livestock | BCA 43, Sep 13, 2021 | Graciela Oliveira E-mail: | |
Embrapa Territorial | BCA 46, Oct 04, 2021 | Vera Viana dos Santos Brandão E-mail: |
Embrapa Southeastern Livestock | BCA 56, Dec 13, 21 | Mara Pedrochi | Click here |
Embrapa Amapá | BCA 4, Jan 24, 2022 | Adelina do Socorro Serrão Belem e-mail: |
Embrapa Eastern Amazon | BCA 3, Jan 17, 2022 | Luiza de Marillac Pompeu Braga Gonçalves e-mail: | |
Embrapa Digital Agriculture | BCA 33, Jul 04, 2022 | Carla Cristiane Osawa e-mail: | Click here |
Queries: send a message to Embrapa Library System's coordination team: