International symposion on water starts on Tuesday in São Carlos, SP
International symposion on water starts on Tuesday in São Carlos, SP
The IV Symposium in Animal Production and Water Resources (SPARH) starts on Tuesday 22, with lectures by international specialists. The event organized by Embrapa Southeast Livestock will be held in São Carlos, SP, on the date when World Water Day is celebrated.
The symposium ends on Wednesday (23). For two days, researchers from Brazil, New Zealand, Portugal and Argentina address the main prodution, social, environmental and economic issues concerning water resources and animal production. The presentations include experiences in water management in such countries and also on themes such as water collection and analysis in animal production systems, use of waste as biofertilizers, and pasture irrigation.
The goal of the event is to technically update researchers, professionals, and students in the area on the sustainable relationship between water resources and animal production.
The full schedule and more in information can be found on
Registrations can be made at the event venue.
Mariana de Lima Medeiros
On Tuesday, March 22, the book Produção Animal e Recursos Hídricos (Animal Production and Water Resources) will be launched as part of the IV SPARH's program. The event will take place after the first day of the symposium, at 18h30, at the restaurant Barone.
The book was organized by Embrapa Southeast Livestock with support from the British Embassy and the National Confereration of Agriculture.
IV Symposium in Animal Production and Water Resources (SPARH)
When: March 22 and 23, 2016
Time: 8h - 18h (Tuesday) and 8h - 17h (Wednesday)
Where: Embrapa Instrumentation auditorium
Location: XV de Novembro Street, 1452, São Carlos, SP.
Gisele Rosso (MTb 3091)
Embrapa Southeast Livestock
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Phone number: +55 16 3411 5625
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