Embrapa launches database with information on Brazilian agriculture and livestock
Research, Development and Innovation
Embrapa launches database with information on Brazilian agriculture and livestock
What was sugarcane production like in Ribeirão Preto and surroundings in 2014? How did the size of the goat herd in the Brazilian Northeast evolve in the past decade? How large is the area planted with soybeans in Pedro Afonso, Tocantins, in the last five years? The answers for such and many other questions on Brazilian agricultural production are now easily accessible through the database developed by Embrapa's Strategic Intelligence System, Agropensa, based on information from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE).
"It is a comprehensive bank of data that has been collected since the 1990s, presented through a user-friendly platform of interactive dashboards", reports Agropensa's coordinator, the researcher Édson Bolfe, who considers the tool a valuable source of information for researchers, journalists, public managers, professionals in the area, entrepreneurs, financial analysts, and people who are interested in the topic in general. The system processes the data into results analysis tables that can be customized to show the sample range and detail that users choose. It is currently only available in Portuguese.
The database is now on Agropensa's page on Embrapa web portal and was organized by the corporation's Secretariat of Intelligence and Macrostrategy in partnership with Embrapa's Information Technology Department. "The information from IBGE is generally available as tables or spreadsheets. We developed a presentation that can be easily accessed by clicking on the maps and on the data of interest through graphs, comparative analyses and reports", explains Bolfe, as he emphasizes that it is an innovative platform that resorts to business intelligence (BI) and comprises the architecture of the newly-reformulated web page for Agropensa.
The data are distributed in three large groups: livestock, agricultural production, and slaughter. Under livestock, one can check the production of the main farm animals: cattle, goats, sheep, swine, buffaloes, horses and poultry. The size of each herd can be followed year by year, since 1990 to 2014, the most recently recorded crop year. The research can be segmented by region, state, region of state, and municipality.
Within the same category, one can find main animal products such as milk, wool, honey, chicken eggs and quail eggs, as well as the number of milked cows and shorn sheep per geographical region. There is even information on silkworm cocoons.
The database offers important data on national aquaculture from 2013 on. With such information, it is possible to learn, for instance, where twenty different fish species and other shellfish like oysters and shrimp are produced. One can tell, for example, that Brazil produced 139,000 tons on tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) in the 2014 harvest, generating over 750 million reais from that fish, of which most of the production came from the state of Amazonas: 105,000 tons was the state's total.
In addition to production figures, the agricultural data in the database also record the extension of the harvested area and the average yield of each of the 65 main crops in the country. For crops such as maize, for instance, it is possible to compare the first and the second harvest of the grain. The main page contains shortcuts to the major Brazilian agricultural crops: maize, sugarcane, soybeans, rice, beans, coffee, cotton, and orange.
In "slaughter", the user is presented with an equally considerable amount of detailing. There is a choice a given tanning methods (chrome, tannin or others) used on leather produced in city slaughterhouses of a given state or sub-region. It is possible to monitor the production of beef, broiler chicken, pork, and calves, for example, from federal, state, and city slaughterhouses.
"This is one of the databases that Agropensa uses. It is a practical and modern work tool that can be applied to several different purposes in rural strategic planning," asserts Bolfe, "our goal was to facilitate access to public information produced by Embrapa and partners". The researcher reveals that the next stage of system development is to include data on agricultural exports, which will involve other sources besides Embrapa's and IBGE's databases.
Coordinated by Embrapa's Secretariat of Intelligence and Macrostrategy, the Agropensa Strategic Intelligence System informs the formulation of research, development and innovation strategies for Embrapa and partners. The Agropensa prospects trends and elaborates scenarios for the agricultural sector in order to anticipate opportunities and challenges for scientific research.
Translation: Mariana de Lima Medeiros
Fábio Reynol (MTb 30.269/SP)
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