29/12/16 |   Research, Development and Innovation

Embrapa discloses results from meeting on global costs of swine production

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The results of the 2016 meeting of the InterPIG network, referring to world costs of swine production, are already  available for consultation on the website of Embrapa's Poultry and Swine Intelligence Center (Central de Inteligência de Aves e Suínos - CIAS), embrapa.br/suinos-e-aves/cias, under the section "costs" or directly via the URL http://bit.ly/interpig (safe shortened link). The page also includes section on the market, the production chain, and the measures to support pig farming from each network member country.

The discussions among the InterPIG network specialists about the pork market and production chain in 2015 in their countries showed, for instance, that in the European Union (EU) the highlight was the growth of pig farming in Spain, at a rate of 100,000 tons annually since 2010, and slaughters in Germany; the United States recovered productivity overcoming the Swine Diarrhea Epidemic, and also demonstrated cost reduction due to the adoption of new technologies; and the forecast for China to increase internal consumption in 2.5 million tons between 2015 and 2020 and imports between 1.5 and 2 million tons per year. Moreover, expansion of integrations, intensification in production and increase in scale are global trends. Reports were also heard on the practice of hiring not only pig farmers, but also grain growers, and that most countries have programs of support to pig farming or subsidies for the activity.

InterPIG involves research institutions, associations, public bodies and consulting companies from the main pork producing countries. The aim is to develop and implement a standardized methodology to calculate production costs, compare technical indicators, prices and production costs among participants, and support competitiveness studies in member countries.

The network is virtually operated and promotes an annual meeting. The 2016 one took place in Mataró, Spain, and had the participation of representatives from Germany (ISN and vonThünen Institut), Austria (VLV), Belgium (Boerenbond and Landbouw en Visserij), Canada (Saskpork), Denmark (Landbrug & Fodevarer and VSP), Spain (SIP Consultors), United States (Iowa State University), Finland (Atria PLC), France (IFIP), Netherlands (LEI/Wageningen), Hungary (AKI), Ireland (Teagasc), Italy (CRPA), United Kingdom (BPEX), Czech Republic (ÚZEI) and Sweden (Svenska Pig). Brazil has participated since 2008, represented by Embrapa Swine and Poultry, a decentralized unit of the agricultural research corporation, under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply.

On their website, CIAS has also published the results of InterPIG's annual meetings since 2011, when it referred to the 2010 world production costs.

Translation: Mariana de Lima Medeiros

Lucas Scherer Cardoso (MTb/RS 10.158)
Embrapa Swine and Poultry

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