17/05/17 |   Environmental and land management

FAO representative in Brazil cites Embrapa Territorial Management's study

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In an article entitled “The Rapid Agricultural Development of Brazil in the Last 20 Years” published in EuroChoices (Volume 16, special edition, p. 5–10), a renowned Agricultural Economics in Europe, FAO's representative in Brazil, Alan Bojanic, shows how sugar, coffe, soybean, maize, beef and poultry production levels have grown in the period (1996 to 2015), which explains Brazilian leadership in such commodity exports. He also cites a study by Embrapa Territorial Management published in issue 70 of the MundoGEO magazine in 2012, “Escoamento da Produção – O uso da Gestão Territorial para o Agronegócio brasileiro”, which shows the main agricultural product export corridors and access harbors. He concludes by stating that the key to the Brazilian success in agriculture is the significant investment in R&D, the expansion of the domestic market through income distribution policies – directly responsible for reduced food insecurity and increased resources for the Education sector in the country –, and investment in infrastructure.

To access the full article, click: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1746-692X.12143/epdf 

Translation: Mariana Medeiros

Embrapa Territorial Management

Phone number: + 19 3211-6200 E 6440

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