11/09/17 |   Geotechnology

Brazil and Portugal seek indicators for Amazon and Cerrado biomes

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Photo: Carlos Dias

Carlos Dias - The Portuguese and Brazilian researchers

The Portuguese and Brazilian researchers

In 2016, during the first meeting of the Odyssea Project (observatory of Amazon society and environment interaction dynamics), a scientific cooperation project that brings Europe and Brazil together, the researcher from Embrapa Soils (Rio de Janeiro, RJ) Margareth Simões made a presentation about ecosystem integrity indicators in the Brazilian Amazon.

The scientist's presentation drew the attention of the University of Lisbon professors Ana Cabral and Luís Catarino, who visited Embrapa Soils on September 08 and 11.

The trio, alongside the Embrapa Soils researcher Rodrigo Demonte, debated how the activity is going to continue, moving from the Amazon, on a local scale, towards remote sensing products with higher resolution and the chance to include new indicators. “We don't want the study to be limited to tropical forests, but that it also helps the Cerrado, and eventually have the technology transferred to Africa, since Ana and Luís work in countries like Angola and Guiné Bissau”, Margareth reveals.

Translation: Mariana Medeiros

Carlos Dias (20.395 MTb RJ)
Embrapa Soils

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