Researchers build underground dams in Mozambique
Researchers build underground dams in Mozambique
Photo: Flávio Adriano Marques
Technical visit to underground dam in Namiconha, built during Embrapa Soils' mission in 2016
In November and December, the researchers Flávio Adriano Marques and Manoel Batista de Oliveira Neto, from the Embrapa Soils' experimental station in Recife, and Henoque Ribeiro da Silva, from Embrapa's Secretariat for International Affairs, participated in a Brazil – Mozambique – Switzerland Technical Cooperation Mission in the African continent.
The mission promoted capacity-building and technology transfer on rainwater collection, storage and use through underground dams for technicians of the Mozambique Agrarian Research Institute (IIAM), Swiss cooperation technicians (Horti_Sempre), farmers, and extension agents from the District Services of Economic Activities and from other institutions in the Northeast of Mozambique.
With the support of Horti_Sempre – Swiss counterpart that has been implementing the Project “Income creation through microirrigation in Northern Mozambique” –, the mission included a workshop, technical visits, field days and the construction of underground dams.
The workshop addressed the technical aspectos of building such dams, potentials and limitations to the construction, and measurement of the volume of water of a dam and its multiple uses.
The technical visits took place in the Namiconha community, where they discussed issues related to soil and water management, and also at the Rural Family School in Mecuburi, where technical guidelines to rehabilitate an underground dam were passed on. In addition, a field day was simultaneously held with the construction of two dams (IIAM and Monapo community), all of which located in the province of Nampula, Northeastern Mozambique.
According to the researcher Flávio Marques, IIAM hosts countless technical visits, tours and delegations from different Mozambican provinces, and the main purpose of the underground dam built in the institution is to be a Demonstration Unit (DU) to disseminate the rainwater collection and storage technology throughout the Northeast of the country. The focus of such DU could be scientific research, including experiments with vegetables in the area influenced by the dam or water and soil quality monitoring in the course of time.
Unlike at IIAM, the second underground dam built at the community of Monapo, 130km away from Nampula, has another role as a Demonstration Unit: that of ensuring food security. It aims at capturing and accumulating water for small vegetable plots and animals in the community. It will also allow an expansion in rice, sugarcane and forage plant cultivation areas.
Translation: Mariana Medeiros
Carlos Dias (20.395 MTb RJ)
Embrapa Soils
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