23/03/18 |   Research, Development and Innovation

NUCLEUS: Innovation for efficiency in agricultural production

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Photo: Sebastião Araújo

Sebastião Araújo -

Carlos Magri Ferreira
Gustavo Castoldi
Mellissa Ananias Soler da Silva
Virgínia Damin

On March 15th and 16th, the 4th edition of the Technology Exhibition for Agriculture and Livestock of Goiás - Expotec was held at Embrapa Rice and Beans, in the municipality of Santo Antônio de Goias, Goias State. The total number of participants was 1334. On the first day of the event (which was focused on technologies for agriculture), there were 814 participants, including farmers, professionals from public and private rural extension, teachers and students.

At Expotec there were six workstations to show technologies and, in one of the them the worked theme was "Use of sensors adapted to drones in the nitrogen management for grains yield". The data presented came from the NUCLEUS project, which is a Virtual Joint Research Centre between United Kingdom (UK) and Brazil to improve the nitrogen use efficiency through an integrated approach of soil-plant systems. The network is composed of 12 teaching, research and extension institutions from the United Kingdom and Brazil. In UK the funding is provided by Newton Fund and, in Brazil, within the state of Goiás, the project is funded by Foundation for Research Support of the State of Goiás - FAPEG.

The rice plots showed in the Expotec was all with upland rice, cultivar BRS A501 CL, the first upland rice cultivar in the world with clearfield technology. There nitrogen was applied in three rates (35, 70 and 105 kg ha-1 of N), plus control (with none nitrogen spread over rice plants). Additionally, a reference area, with 90 kg ha-1 of N total rate, splitted in three applications, maintaining high N availability to the plants during growing season, allowing the calculation of the Nitrogen Sufficiency Index (ISN) through chlorophyllmeter (SPAD) use, as well as calibrating the other sensors tested, in addition to the camera coupled to the drone. The aim was to show that the images obtained by the drone camera were able to reveal the differences in the plants resulting from the dose of N applied.

It was shown to the public general aspects of the NUCLEUS project, partnerships and objectives, some information and results, such as the nitrogen cycle and sources of efficiency losses, production results, productivity and economic results when the element is applied in correct time and quantity volatilization and emission of N-N2O monitored with closed static chambers in an area with and without chlorophyll meter. Next, the sensors, Chlorophyllometer, Clorofilog, Dualex and Leaf Color Chart were presented as tools to support the interpretation of the images of the cameras embedded in drones to capture images, which after being able to establish diagnostic parameters of the nitrogen situation in the plant, and to support the recommendation of when and how much to apply for economic and environmental efficiency.

Finally, it was commented that the research is based on agriculture intensification with efficiency enhancement. The agriculture sustainability depends on the appropriated management of those systems. In addition, the success depends on appropriate decisions, with monitoring of all activities by the farmer, especially those related to chemical fertilizer use, to be carried out adequately in order to achieve productivity and profitability, observing climate change effects mitigation, aiming at the quality of the environment and food.

There are many challenges to be overcome in order to develop a tool that provides an instant result after reading the images with information about N application and estimated yield. A motivating fact was the receptivity and interest of the people to reach the objective.

Among the challenges to be overcome, it highlights the need for technical adjustments, as appropriate height of the drone's flight, adjusts on the brightness to the sensor at the time of obtaining the images and correlate the data from the sensors coupled to the drones with the other sensors.

Henrique de Oliveira (MTb/GO 1.960)
Embrapa Rice and Beans

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