Researchers author paper about sorghum cultivation in South America
Researchers author paper about sorghum cultivation in South America
Researchers from Embrapa have penned a chapter for the book "Achieving sustainable cultivation of sorghum". Launched this year by Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, the work is divided in two volumes, edited by professor William Rooney, from Texas A & M University, United States.
According to information from the publisher, Volume 1, "Genetics, breeding and production techniques", comprehensively covers the most recent research on sorghum's genetic diversity and genomics; reviews breeding principles from conventional methods to molecular marker-aided techniques, and their application to achieve higher yield. It discusses varieties that are more resistant to stress and brings forward the main elements for the integrated management of crops, pest and weeds.
In Volume 2, "Sorghum utilization around the world", the authors show the most recent research about sorghum's structure, chemistry and physiology, and comment its use as forage, food, feed and an energy crop. In addition, they report study cases on the main challenges for sorghum cultivation in regions in Asia, Africa and South America.
In such Volume 2, chapter 7, entitled "Improving sorghum cultivation in South America", was signed by the Embrapa researchers Rafael Augusto da Costa Parrella, Robert Eugene Schaffert, Cícero Beserra de Menezes, José Avelino Santos Rodrigues, Jurandir Vieira Magalhães, Cynthia Maria Borges Damasceno, Dagma Dionísia da Silva and Simone Martins Mendes, all from Embrapa Maize and Sorghum, Sete Lagoas, MG.
They address the following topics: History of sorghum in Brazil; Grain and forage sorghum breeding; Sorghum breeding for bioenergy; Sorghum tolerance to aluminum and to low levels of phosphorus; Genetic and molecular approaches to the study of biomass production and sorghum quality; Breeding for disease resistance; and Sorghum pests.
"The book is available for purchase on the publisher's website and it will be presented to the public at the XXXII National Congress of Maize and Sorghum, which will take place from September 10 to 14, at the Federal University of Lavras, in Minas Gerais", informs the researcher Parrela. The Congress is promoted by the Brazilian Association of Maize and Sorghum (ABMS). This year, the theme is "Integrated solutions for maize and sorghum systems in Brazil".
Translation: Mariana Medeiros
Sandra Brito (MG 06230 JP)
Embrapa Maize and Sorghum
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