25/04/19 |   Family farming

Senegal mission visits Embrapa

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Photo: Carlos Dias

Carlos Dias - The group visited Fertmovel

The group visited Fertmovel

On April 25, Embrapa Soils (Rio de Janeiro, RJ) received a mission of Senegalese technicians through the project "Integrated Sustainable Agroecological Production", held in partnership with UFRRJ. About ten specialists from the Ministry of Agriculture of Senegal and their National Agency for Agricultural Insertion Insertion and Development (Anida) were welcomed by the local Coordinator of International Liaison Margareth Gonçalves Simões. The delegation stayed for a week in Rio de Janeiro, with the goal of learning from experiences and institutions related to organic agriculture.

The visit to the RJ research center started with Fertmovel, a comprehensive laboratory aimed at soil fertility analyses developed by Embrapa Soils to be operated from within a 14m3 van. After that, the group visited a few laboratories, such as those for plant analysis, soil fertility and benchtop bioreactors. Finally, Margareth made a presentation about Embrapa's activities.

During their sojourn through Brazil, the African specialists went to the Rio de Janeiro Union of Smallholder Associations and Cooperatives (Unacoop), the km 47 Agroecological Farm - a partnership between UFRRJ, Embrapa Agrobiology (Seropédica, RJ) and Pesagro-Rio. On Wednesday, they went to Cachoeira de Macacu and, on the following day, they participated in a Fair between the neighbourhoods of Leblon and Arpoador. On their last tour day, Friday, they are going to check the experiences of smallholders in Teresópolis.

Successful project 
Since 2012, a cooperation between the governments of Brazil and Senegal has been taking infrastructure and techniques to smallholders in the African country with the purpose of producing jobs and income. UFRRJ has been quite active in this partnership, coordinated by the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC).

The project comprises simple agricultural production techniques based on models used for smallholders. It teaches low income families to sustainably and profitably cultivate their own property using the resources available at the site. The proposal consists in the integrated farming of animals, vegetables and fruits, with the cyclical exploitation of  the production and its waste in the food chain. This proposal follows a food production strategy based on the principles of food security for the families, with prospects of income generation from selling their surplus.

The initiative was so successful that it has become public policy in Senegal, given the original project was developed between the years 2012 and 2015. At the second stage of the project, which started in July 2018, UFRRJ played a fundamental role. The vice-chancellor Luiz Carlos Lima was present in the missions to the African country, in August 2017 and November 2018, overseeing its economic aspects. Meanwhile professors Rúbia Wegner and Antonio Abboud also participated in the 2018 mission.

Other participants in the meeting at Embrapa Soils were representatives from ABC, UFRRJ and the Rio de Janeiro Association of Biological Farmers (Abio).

In collaboration with: UFRRJ

Translation: Mariana Medeiros

Carlos Dias (20.395 MTb RJ)
Embrapa Soils

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