Embrapa launches first e-book in English on Sustainable Development Goals
Embrapa launches first e-book in English on Sustainable Development Goals
Entitled Life on Land, which is also one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the e-book is the first of a series in English showing how research by Embrapa has contributed to a challenging agenda that has mobilized 193 countries to seek pathways to a world that integrates social, energy-related, economic, and environmental aspects with safety and equity for all peoples over a span of only 12 years.
The SDGs, which were ratified in 2015 at the United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development in New York, represent this proposal and reinforce the need for all segments of international society to participate in order for the 17 goals and 169 targets to redefine the future.
"This e-book will show the world how we contributed to SDG 15, Life on Land. In 2018, during the commemoration of Embrapa’s 45 years of existence, we launched the Portuguese version to internalize this topic, and now the opportunity has arrived to make our contributions more visible," says Embrapa Florestas researcher Gisele Vilela, one of the technical editors.
She says that the text does not address the results of every study dedicated to the topic, "but it presents an important overview of the resulting technologies and the efforts of Brazilian agriculture and livestock research."
SDG 15 - Life on Land
The components of SDG 15 are to protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainable forest management, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, and stop biodiversity loss. These themes are strongly related to Embrapa’s work, making SDG 15 one of the more transversal goals.
"The e-book not only shows the contributions Embrapa has already made, but especially guides the company’s future research strategy," says Embrapa Florestas researcher Yeda Oliveira.
English versions of another 17 e-books in the Sustainable Development Goal collection are being prepared, along with another that summarizes all of the 17 texts edited by Embrapa.
About the book
The book contains 10 chapters, and is authored by 39 authors from Embrapa’s 13 units and departments. The second chapter presents questions related to the need for planning and joint efforts, since meeting SDG 15 will require nationwide study. Embrapa’s contributions to the objectives of SDG 15 are detailed in chapters 3 to 9. Chapter 10 addresses Embrapa’s prospects and future challenges in meeting the targets.
The text contains 123 pages, and begins by describing the company’s involvement with commitments in international conventions relating to environmental and climate issues, as well as its contributions to the topic of forests (both native and planted), sustainable management, and controlling deforestation. Within this context, partnerships established to carry out large domestic or regional projects emerge.
The book also highlights the strategy adopted to develop protocols and models to restore degraded landscapes. Next, mountain agriculture is addressed, along with sensitive, complex, and difficult issues such as maintenance and management of endangered species and invasive species, along with their dangers and strategies for coexisting with environmental security.
The last section describes Embrapa's involvement with promoting public policies on the topics of food production, food security, and conservation of biological diversity.
New release
Technical editors and researchers Yeda Oliveira (Embrapa Florestas) and Gisele Vilela (Embrapa Territorial) launched the e-book on October 4 during the 25th World Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), in Curitiba, Brazil.
You can access the book at https://ainfo.cnptia.embrapa.br/digital/bitstream/item/202310/1/SDG-15.pdf
Priscila Viudes (DRT 030/MS)
Embrapa Florestas
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