BRS Amélia sweet potato is the highlight of the largest gastronomy event in Latin America
BRS Amélia sweet potato is the highlight of the largest gastronomy event in Latin America
Photo: Paulo Lanzetta
The BRS Amélia sweet potato stands out for its taste and nutritional qualities, and is also rich in provitamin A
The biofortified sweet potato cultivar BRS Amélia is the highlight of Mesa São Paulo, the largest gastronomy event in Latin America, which takes place on October 24-27, in the city of São Paulo. The cultivar is the highlight of the 5th Niche Market Workshop for the Agroindustrial Sector, a side event held by Embrapa's Secretariat of Innovation and Business (SIN), Embrapa Food Technology (Rio de Janeiro, RJ), and Sebrae Nacional. The goal is to bring together industries, agroindustries, farmers and other market segments interested in the company's assets for business and partnerships. In addition to Embrapa Temperate Agriculture (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), there are another 15 units in the portfolio.
BRS Amélia’s outstanding characteristics are taste and consistency. When cooked or baked, the texture is moist and sticky. It is also soft, extremely sweet and peels off easily. It also has a unique intense orange-colored pulp. The tubercle has a long elliptical shape, and a light pink peel with pink pigmentation. The average yield is 32 tons per hectare.
The main novelties of the fifth edition of the workshop are in foods for restricted diets (especially low-gluten ones), for which BRS Amelia is an alternative. Besides, it demonstrates innovations for biodiverse and sustainable systems, full use of foods with no waste, and biodiversity products – such as non-conventional food plants (PANCs) - and packaging that extends the shelf life of products (active packaging).
The technological solutions will be presented to the companies and to the farmers in the event during the technological business rounds, which take place in the afternoons of the 24th and 25th, at the Sebrae stand, in Mesa São Paulo's Farofa Festival. Moreover, chefs hired by Sebrae Nacional will daily prepare an appetizer, main course and dessert with products that will be presented at the workshop.
Mesa São Paulo
The event discusses major themes in world gastronomy and the main trends of Brazilian cuisine with the use of native products. The expected audience for this year is 45,000 participants, including food, beverage and logistics companies, and famous chefs who are innovating in the Latin American culinary arena. The central theme of this edition is “transition cuisine to a changing world.”
Translation: Emmanuele Galdino, supervised by Mariana Medeiros.
Catarine Thiel (collaborator)
Embrapa Temperate Agriculture
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