04/11/19 |   Food security, nutrition and health  Technology Transfer

Africans get training about cassava in Bahia

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Photo: Rodrigo Azevedo

Rodrigo Azevedo - Record of the same course taught in 2018.

Record of the same course taught in 2018.

From November 4 to 8, Embrapa Cassava and Fruits, in Cruz das Almas, BA, will welcome a group of 26 young people from de Ghana, Nigeria and Malawi, English and French-speaking African countries.

Coordinated by the Embrapa Unit's International Relations team, the Training on Cassava Cultivation and Processing takes place in the scope of the Brazil Africa Institute's Youth Technical Training Program (YTTP), which promotes the visit of young Africans to Brazil for capacity-building in areas like agriculture and technology. “The goal is that the groups learn from the Brazilian expertise and return to their countries of origin to replicate the knowledge they acquire”, explains the president of Ibraf, professor João Bosco Monte. This is the third YTTP session held in partnership with Embrapa.

The Cassava Breeding and Genetic Improvement Program, crop management, pest and disease control and management, minimally processed cassava, and product packaging and labelling are some of the topics included in the course syllabus, which also contains a workshop on colored crepes locally known as beijus or tapiocas, and visits to field and in vitro Active Gene Banks and to Embrapa's Cassava Treatment Center (CTM), where they will get acquainted with equipment to produce flour and starch.

Besides the theoretical lessons, which will be at the auditorium, the course includes a technical visit to a beiju processing unit in the town's rural zone and to the warehouse for cassava flour and byproducts at the Cruz das Almas town market.

Next week the group will travel to São Paulo, where they will participate in the Brazil Africa Forum 2019.

Translation: Mariana Medeiros

Léa Cunha (DRT-BA 1633)
Embrapa Cassava and Fruits

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