Sustainable beef production draws foreign diplomats' attention
Sustainable beef production draws foreign diplomats' attention
The diplomats included the Embrapa Unit in their visit to Mato Grosso do Sul for their advances in the Science and Technology sectors.
In the last few weeks, Embrapa Beef Cattle's work on integrated production systems drew the attention of members of the Consulates of Germany and of the United States in São Paulo. The diplomats Axel Zeidler (Germany) and Adam Shub (USA) included the Embrapa Unit in their visit to Mato Grosso do Sul for their advances in the Science and Technology sectors.
“There was a broad spectrum of interests during the visit: economy, culture and sciences. Mato Grosso do Sul is famous for its strong agricultural production, especially in cattle farming, and we want to further conversations with Embrapa Beef Cattle”, underscored Zeidler, a first-timer in the Brazilian state. The European country imports Brazilian beef and, according to him, it is important for the German consumer that “beef imports have the 100% guarantee that export certification is performed adequately and following European Union standards”.
Thus, one of the subjects of interest of the mission, which also comprised deputy consul Jens Gust and the honorary consul for Germany in Campo Grande Reinhard Knoch, was the low carbon beef production platform, including a visit to experiments on integrated systems that have been conducted for over 25 years at the research center, in the company of the researchers involved. “The Embrapa Unit was one of the highlights in our program”, stated Gust.
Since 2014, the Embrapa Beef Cattle has had interinstitutional cooperation with the University of Hohenheim (Stuttgart) and the MS Foundation, where the main topic of studies is integrated systems, with a focus on water resources. More recently, the book ILPF – inovação com integração de lavoura, pecuária e floresta [“ICLFS - innovation in integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems”], launched by Embrapa, counted on the participation of seven German professionals among its authors.
For the U.S. general consul Adam Shub, who was accompanied by Economic Officer Gai Nyok, the fact that the USA and Brazil are beef exporters does not hinder cooperation, which is performed via USDA/ARS (Agricultural Research Service). “We are large, continental countries. We have distinct characteristics, methods and cultures, but we are going in the same direction towards producing healthier food, because it is what consumers want: to eat well and with quality”, the diplomat stated.
Carbon neutral beef - The object of interest of the foreign representatives, low carbon cattle farming currently features the carbon neutral seal (carne carbono neutro - CCN), which is produced in integrated systems with the presence of planted trees that are not only responsible for carbon sequestration and neutralize methane emissions from the grazing animals, but also provide thermal comfort to the cattle. The focus of the system is the forest component.
Translation: Mariana Medeiros
Dalízia Montenário de Aguiar (MTb 28/03/14/MS)
Embrapa Beef Cattle
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