03/11/21 |   Climate change  Animal production  ICLFS  Low Carbon Agriculture  Coping with Droughts

Embrapa presents experiences for sustainable animal production at COP26

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Photo: Adilson Nóbrega

Adilson Nóbrega - Marco Bomfim highlighted experiences for sustainable animal production in the Caatinga for a panel at COP26

Marco Bomfim highlighted experiences for sustainable animal production in the Caatinga for a panel at COP26

Brazilian research findings and public policy for sustainable animal production were presented by the Embrapa on an online panel promoted by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) on Wednesday (3), in the schedule of events of the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26).

The researcher Marco Bomfim, head of Embrapa Goats and Sheep (Sobral, CE), presented experience on mitigation of the impact of animal production on the environment, featuring integrated production systems and recovery of degraded areas in the Caatinga and emission compensation alternatives such as the Carbon Neutral Beef.

Upon IFAD's invitation, Bomfim presented these experiences in the panel “From Knowledge to Results to Policies: Creating an Evidence-Base for Supporting Low-Emission and Resilient Livestock Development”, as a proposed solution for animal production with such characteristics. The debate - which gathered other experts from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), IFAD, Global Dairy Platform, and of the government of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan - brought forth success case reports and recommendation to face challenges and inform public policy aimed at sustainable production.

According to the researcher, closer ties between research organizations and the production sector are fundamental to enhance the development and adoption of technological solutions for sustainable animal husbandry. “This means more funding, more skills training, more shared knowledge, so that farmers can also join this transition”, he underscored.

In the presentation, Marco presented Embrapa's research results that contribute to the Low Carbon Agriculture Plan Brazilian Low Carbon Agriculture Plan and the National Policy on Integrated Crop-Livestock-Forestry Systems (ICLFS). He underscored aspects like the sustainable use of forests combined with animal production, which provides benefits like animal welfare, cattle production with low carbon emissions, and the diversification of activities in the systems, wherein activities like sustainable timber exploration of is added to the crop and livestock production.

The researcher also presented results from adapted ICLFS and of research on recovery of degraded areas in the Caatinga biome. According to him, the alternatives allow degraded areas to recover in a time frame of four years and have potential for meat and milk production. “In four years, an area can be restored, with the soil ready to produce fodder for animal production”, Bomfim said. 

The experience from the Caatinga ICLFS, based on a new design for integrated production systems in the biome, has started to be implemented in rural properties in three territories of the Brazilian Semiarid region - Vale do Itaim, PI; Sertão dos Inhamuns, CE; and Cariri Paraibano, PB.

The action is developed by Embrapa in partnership with the Dom Hélder Câmara Project and funding from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), in the scope of the AgroNordeste program, which is coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply. 

Bomfim also showcased the experience of "Carbon Neutral Beef" (CNB), a concept brand to certify beef produced in integrated silvopastoral (livestock-forestry) or agrosilvopastoral (crop-livestock-forestry) systems, through specific protocols..

Its main goal is to ensure that the animals that originated the product had had their enteric methane emissions compensated during the production process by growing trees in the system. In 2020, the company Marfrig launched a line of cuts of beef named Viva, in partnership with Embrapa and based on the concept of Carbon Neutral Beef, with products sourced from animals inserted in a livestock-forestry production system.

In the debate that followed the presentations, participants like FAO researcher Anne Mottet enlisted aspects that deemed interesting in the Brazilian experiences presented by Embrapa.“Marco's presentation showed what is necessary to think about low carbon animal farming. The animals emit greenhouse gases anyway, it is a natural process. But we can reduce the amount of gas produced per kilo of meat or milk and also compensate emissions”, she affirmed.

The debate was broadcast live from IFAD's YouTube channel and can be accessed through the link: https://youtu.be/pwFoLjgo02g. The fund's full schedule of COP26 events is available on https://www.ifad.org/en/web/events/cop26.

Adilson Nóbrega (MTB/CE 01269 JP)
Embrapa Goats and Sheep

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Translation: Mariana Medeiros (13044/DF)
General Secretariat

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