European Union to fund 4.5 million-euro project for the Brazilian Amazon
European Union to fund 4.5 million-euro project for the Brazilian Amazon
Photo: Anna Karina Almeida
Activities will take place in the Marajó, Belém-Brasília and Xingu territories
In the next four years, Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology (Brasília,DF) and Embrapa Eastern Amazon (Belém,PA) will conduct activities in the Amazon biome within a project worth around 4.5 milion euros that is funded by the European Union and coordinated by Brazilian Service to Support Micro and Small Businesses (Sebrae-Pará).
That is the project Sustenta e Inova [Sustain and Innovate], which will be launched on November 11 (next Thursday), in Belém, during an homonymous seminar that will have the participation of the Ambassador of the European Union, Ignacio Ybáñez Rubio, and of Sebrae/PA's superintendent, Rubens Magno, and representantives of partner institutions.
The project gathers institutions with expertise to implement innovative sustainable agricultural practices, with a focus on biodiversity conservation, reducing deforestation, restoring the landscape, and climate change adaptation and mitigation.
According to researcher Anderson Sevilha, from Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology, the expectation is to give continuity to activities that had been performed through the Bem Diverso project (which will be concluded in December) in the Marajó Citizenship Territory, and multiply them for Citizienship Territories on the side of the Belém-Brasília highway and the one limited by the Transamazônica highway and Xingu river.
Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology will coordinate the corporation's activities related to production systems, agroindustrialization and public policy listed in the project, with Embrapa Eastern Amazon as co-leader and alongside the partners Amazonia Environmental Research Institute (IPAM), the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development( CIRAD), and the Arthur Bernardes Foundation (Funarbe).
In the course of four years of activities, Sustenta e Inova will also promote training of multiplying agents in the areas of conservation, management and rehabilitation of agroecosystems and to map the three Citizenship Territories benefitted by the project.
Deva Heberlê (MTb/RS 5297)
Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology
Press inquiries
Phone number: +55 61 3208-4559 (WhatsApp)
Vinícius Soares Braga
Embrapa Eastern Amazon
Press inquiries
Phone number: +55 91 93953535
Translation: Mariana Medeiros (13044/DF)
General Secretariat
Further information on the topic
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