10/01/22 |   Strategic Management

Embrapa's challenges and opportunities for the Sustainable Development Goals

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The Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) comprise a UN campaign to promote positive change for the future world. These goals represent targets that all of the UN's 193 member states have to follow to achieve such commitments.

They are a set of 17 goals and 169 targets about problems to be overcome and challenges that are reflected in all the countries of the world, and which are listed in the Agenda 2030.

Through Agenda 2030 and Embrapa's VII Master Plan 2020-2030, Embrapa has pledged to inform society about how it contributes to agricultural research and sustainable development in Brazil and in the world.

Using language agreed by the 193 countries, Embrapa's SDG Network counts on the participation of all of the institution's 43 Decentralized Units spread throughout Brazil to elaborate an institucional response to the 169 targets to be reached by the SDGs.

Fighting desertification, rehabilitation of degraded land and soil, including lands affected by desertification, droughts and floods, and fighting to reach a neutral ground in terms of soil degradation, conserving mountain ecosystems and their biodiversity, are some of the essential targets of Embrapa's SDG Network for sustainable development.

In this scenario, the institutional challenges related to management, governance and articulation posed by the 2030 Agenda for Embrapa and other ST&I institutions are as great as the opportunities.

Some of these challenges, from Embrapa's perspective, can also provide useful insights for other institutions involved in science, technology and innovation for sustainable agriculture.

The collection of e-books - Embrapa's Contributions to SDGs - Agenda 2030 gathers 18 titles, one of which is of an institutional nature, named “Agricultural Research and Innovation in the 2030 Agenda: contributions of Embrapa”, while the other 17 e-books are about research related to each of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Contribution from Embrapa and partners to the SDGs


Videos, technologies and publications by Embrapa's SDG Network


Embrapa's VII Master Plan 2020-2030

Hélio Magalhães (DRT MG 4911)
Embrapa Rice and Beans

Press inquiries

Phone number: +55 62 984683126

Translation: Mariana Medeiros (13044/DF)
General Secretariat

Further information on the topic
Citizen Attention Service (SAC)

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