ICC/Cogent team does rapid appraisal of coconut genebank in Brazil
ICC/Cogent team does rapid appraisal of coconut genebank in Brazil
A group of five international specialists visited, from April 11th to 14th, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation – Embrapa Costal Tablelands’ (Sergipe, Brazil) facilities in order to carry out a rapid appraisal of the International Coconut Genebank for Latin America and The Caribbean (ICG-LAC), curated by Embrapa and kept ex situ in Itaporanga and Neópolis, Sergipe, Brazil.
The ICG-LAC is one of the five international coconut genebanks representative of the regional genetic resources networks worldwide, namely South Asia and Middle East, Southeast and East Asia, the South Pacific, Africa and the Indian Ocean, and Latin America and the Caribbean.
The appraisal group was comprised of International Coconut Community (ICC) executive director Jelfina Alouw and assistant director Mridula Kottekate, along with International Coconut Genetic Resources Network (Cogent) coordinator Erlene Manohar and ex-coordinator Vincent Johnson, as well as India’s Central Plantation Crops Research Institute researcher Vittal Niral.

The visit consisted of inception and contextualizing meetings on the first day, visits to the two genebank sections kept on Embrapa’s experimental farms in the two coastal cities in Sergipe on the following two days, combined with a visit to a commercial green dwarf coconut plantation run by H. Dantas in the Neópolis Plateau, and final meetings for feedback and action planning on the final day, as well as guided visits to the research center’s lab facilities.
The appraisal team was able to interact with Embrapa’s coconut research team, including IGC-LAC’s curator Emiliano Costa, in addition to the field staff directly in charge of the the ICG upkeeping, supervised by farming technicians Erivaldo Moraes and Cleverson Santos.
The appraisal visits are aimed at collecting on site data and information on the current state of upkeeping and most relevant and critical needs for improvement of the genebanks, and are part of ICC/Cogent’s efforts to advance international cooperation in the conservation and exchange of coconut genetic resources.
Saulo Coelho (MTb/SE 1065)
Embrapa Coastal Tablelands
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