Embrapa and Egypt's ARC sign scientific cooperation agreement
Embrapa and Egypt's ARC sign scientific cooperation agreement
Embrapa and Egypt's Agricultural Research Center (ARC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Tuesday (10) that opens up possibilities to develop research of interest for the agriculture of both countries. The institution under the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture is considered one of most important of the world. It aims at the adoption of increasingly more modern and innovative technologies that contribute to agricultural productivity in the region, in light of the scarcity of natural resources and the populational pressure for food. Egypt currently has about 107 million inhabitants and uses only 8% of its territory - most of which is desertic - with agricultural activities.
“There is considerable contribution potential given what Brazilian science has already developed throughout the last decades”, said Embrapa's president Celso Moretti, who is part of the Brazilian delegation led by the minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (Mapa), Marcos Montes. The delegation's goal is to visit countries in the Middle East, Africa and Europe to find solutions related to the fertilizer issue and new oppportunities for agreements and bilateral partnerships.
According to the president of Embrapa, irrigation technologies are some the main areas that the agreement benefits.“Egyptian farmers still use methods that are considered old to supply water to producing areas,” he explained. He refers particularly to irrigation through furrows in sandy terrains, which is insufficient for the water requirements of plantations. The MoU establishes cooperation in plant and animal breeding and health, biotechnology, digital agriculture, climate change, irrigation and water management, and research exchange.
“In November, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt will host the next UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) and it will be an unique opportunity to strengthen the agricultural agenda in the discussions as a priority factor in scenarios for the future”, the president commented, saying that the meeting allowed a pre-definition of a common agenda.
During the meeting with ARC's leaders, Moretti was invited to visit the institution and learn more about the work developed by over 10,000 employees, in 32 research stations in the Egyptian territory.
Kátia Marsicano (MTb - DF 3645)
Secretariat of Intelligence and Strategic Relations (Sire)
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Translation: Mariana Medeiros (13044/DF)
General Secretariat
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