06/09/22 |   Biodiversity  Forestry and silviculture

Children declare their love for the forest on Amazon Day

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Photo: Ana Laura Lima

Ana Laura Lima - Crianças da Comunidade Arimum, na Reserva Extrativista Verde Para Sempre

Crianças da Comunidade Arimum, na Reserva Extrativista Verde Para Sempre

In the largest extractive reserve in Brazil, Resex Verde Forever, in Porto de Moz in Pará, The Amazon Day, celebrated on September 5th, was the declaration of the purest love to keep the forest standing. With poetry, stories, drawings and games, the children of the Arimum community, located in the resex, demonstrated their love for trees, river bathing, fruits, community and all that the forest represents in their lives.

"The forest has birds, fruits, anything you have in the forest is good for us," said Benedita Ribeiro, 10 years old. "The forest looks like it's our garden," said Karina Marques, 11. "The forest is good because it gives fruit, it gives food. We like the forest very much," confirmed Mateus Pimentel, 11.

Benedita, Karina and Mateus are residents of the Arimum community in Resex Verde Forever. With about 1 million and 200 thousand hectares is the largest extractive reserve in the country and houses 183 communities and localities and more than 2,500 families.

In order to celebrate Amazon Day and engage children in valuing the standing forest, Embrapa, through the Bom Manejo 2 Project, held on September 4, a poetry workshop for 35 children in the community between 4 and 12 years old. "The Arimum community has a history of community forest management that is very important for resex and for the history of forest management in the Amazon," explains Milton Kanashiro, researcher at Embrapa Eastern Amazon and coordinator of the Bom Manejo 2 Project.

He says that the idea of the event was to go beyond the technical and methodological issue of the project, and make the forest and management also issues among the children of the community. "Children and women play an important role in the process of local development and in strengthening the community on the environmental issue," Kanashiro said.

The day involved activities of landscape observation walk through the forest, storytelling, poetic writing, drawing and the exhibition of the works produced by the children. Landscape and Amazon were the keywords of the workshop, as explained by Paulo Vieira, a forest engineer and forest educator. He says that children have noticed something they do every day, which is harvesting the landscape like who harvests a flower, a fruitWhat's more, that they and the community are also the landscapethe Amazon itself.

"Today they are sensing the landscape with paper and words. Poetry, the word poetic, can be the inspiring motivation  for the forest standing. Children are poets par excellence, every child is a poet in action. Through the words, they began to show their love for trees, the river, the forest, eating a fruit, hunting," says the educator.

He adds that poetry is fundamental in maintaining and defending the territory and guaranteeing the standing forest. "Even very young children, who still can't write, have made illustrations of their personal forest, of the forest of their life that is their community," he confirms.

Resex Verde Forever was created in 2004 and comprises 80% of the municipality of Porto de Moz, in the western region of Pará. In the reserve area, the communities practice Community Forest Management as a way to ensure the maintenance of forest resources for this and future generations.

Several research and development institutions, as well as associations, government organizations and civil society organize around the management in the communities of Verde Forever in support of the communities. But according to the secretary of the Committee for Sustainable Development of Porto de Moz (CDS), Rosalina Magalhães, it was the first time that an event focused on the relationship of children with the forest was held in the reserve.

"As Arimum's daughter, mother and CDS´s representative, I believe the activity was very good. The children were born here and already bring a learning from home, but to make them realize and put it out, was the differential", she says. "They get this learning. Children know early on that the forest has to stand so that they and future generations can enjoy this wealth," she concludes.

According to Milton Kanashiro, from Embrapa, the technical-scientific projects need to address not only technical issues, but also issues in the social and educational sphere for the community. The appreciation of the day-to-day life of the community and its relationship with the forest is a translation of love to the Amazon, he adds. "My hope is that the references of this workshop, and others of this nature, can systematically develop children's minds, hearts and attitudes towards the forest," he concludes.

O projeto Gestão Sustentável de Florestas de Produção em Escala Comercial na Amazônia Brasileira - Projeto Bom Manejo fase 2 - é coordenado e executado pela Embrapa com o apoio financeiro da Organização Internacional de Madeiras Tropicais - ITTO (International Tropical Timber Organization), organização intergovernamental que promove o manejo florestal sustentável nas florestas tropicais. 


Ana Laura Lima (MTb 1268/PA)
Embrapa Eastern Amazon

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