Researcher and graduate student participate in international publication on groundwater
Researcher and graduate student participate in international publication on groundwater
Authors of the chapter “Impact of land use and occupation on potential groundwater recharge in a Brazilian savannah watershed”, the researcher Lineu Rodrigues, deputy head of Research and Development at Embrapa Cerrados, and his advisee Arnaldo José Cambraia Neto, student for the Master's degree in Agricultural Engineering at the University of Viçosa, are the only Brazilians taking part in the book Groundwater: Recent Advances in Interdisciplinary Knowledge.The book is available both in print and as an e-book.
The Brazilian Association of Groundwater (ABAS) defines groundwater as “all water under the Earth surface, filling the pores or intergranular void spaces of sedimentary rocks, or the fractures, faults and fissures of compact rocks, and which, being subjected to two forces (adhesion and gravity),performs an essential role to maintain soil moisture, besides river, lakes and swamps flow”. Aquifers are geological formations where groundwater is stored, for river recharge and being used in various economic activities.
The International Water Resources Association (IWRA) published the book, which is a contribution to World Water Day 2022, whose theme was “Groundwater: making the invisible visible”. The publication brings case studies from countries in the Americas, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, including transboundary aquifers. The chapters show important and recent advances in interdisciplinary knowledge about governance, management, practices and political-scientific interfaces on groundwater, being an information source to researchers and managers of the areas: environmental policies, water legislation, climate change and groundwater governance. The publication has 18 articles of researchers from various countries, United States, France, Germany, India, Nepal, Mexico, and South Africa, etc. originally published in the official IWRA journal, Water International.
Rodrigues and Cambraia Neto’s chapter aims to evaluate the impact of the change in land use and occupation on potential groundwater recharge in the watershed Buriti Vermelho, located in the Cerrado biome, considering the current use and two scenarios of land use. Scenario 1 shows the substitution of all other crops by soya beans crop, while Scenario 2 presents the substitution of all agricultural land by the natural Cerrado vegetation. In current use, mean potential recharge represented 46.3% of total precipitation in the evaluated period (October 1987 to September 2017). In Scenarios 1 and 2, the average potential recharges represented, respectively, 46.4% and 26.0% of the total precipitation in the basin.
“A first analysis of the scenarios suggests that Scenario 2 would be the worst strategy to be adopted if the interest is groundwater recharge. However, it is necessary to consider the importance of natural vegetation for the biodiversity of the region and the maintenance of moisture in the soil profile”, report the authors. The version published in Water International can be accessed here.
Rodrigues explains that Cerrado biome is essential to Brazilian agriculture and to the maintenance of water balance in the country, contributing to river flows in eight of the 12 Brazilian hydrographic regions. In recent years, there has been a continuous growth of agriculture in the region, especially irrigated agriculture, the main activity that uses water resources and, consequently, disputes over water have increased.
“Little knowledge of water availability in the region has made the process of water allocation difficult, compromising economic growth, increasing social inequalities and intensifying conflicts. In this context, the suitable use of groundwater is essential to reduce uncertainties regarding water availability, requiring a greater understanding of its behavior on a hydrographic basin scale and a better quantification of its recharge”, he comments, adding that water resources will be increasingly strategic for the sustainable development of the Cerrado.
Breno Lobato (MTb 9417-MG)
Embrapa Cerrados
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Translation: Ana Maranhão
Superintendency of Communications
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