Researchers from Embrapa are selected to compose FAO technical advisory groups
Researchers from Embrapa are selected to compose FAO technical advisory groups
FAO's Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance Partnership (Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance Partnership - Leap), has selected 72 experts around the world to represent 28 countries in its Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs). In Brazil, two, out of the five experts chosen, work at Embrapa.
At the end of last year, a call was opened to select members to take part in the TAGs on Circular Bioeconomy Approaches and on Ecosystem Services. The LEAP Secretariat received 48 submissions from all over the world in each category, out of which 36 were selected for each group. LEAP invited the chosen experts to participate in the first TAG face-to-face meeting, to be held at FAO's headquarters in Rome, Italy, on April 18 and 19.
The researcher Ana Paula Contador Packer, head of Embrapa Environment, and the professor Adibe Luiz Abdalla, from University of São Paulo (USP), were selected to represent Brazil in the TAG on Circular Bioeconomy Approaches. On the list, there are experts from Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Germany, Spain, United States, France, Holland, Iran, Italy, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, United Kingdom, Rwanda, Turkey, Uganda and Uruguay.
Packer, who chairs the management board of AgNest – a living lab to enable the connection among startups, big agricultural companies, and Embrapa –, highlights the importance of this “bio” series connection: bioeconomy, bioproducts, bioimputs, biofuels, biofertilizers, etc., because it is necessary to consider a change regarding agriculture, which has been going through significant transformations. “The great frontiers of knowledge are the joint of agriculture, ‘bio’ and technology. We have to think of all these series of ‘bio’ along with technology and agricultural sustainability”, she predicts.
“It will be a great opportunity to work together and show the great treasure Brazil has developed, so that we will be able to move towards a world bioeconomy, inserted in a circular economy, a sustainability-oriented economy, with all potential to create bioproducts”, she suggests.
The Embrapa Soils researcher Rachel Bardy Prado, and two Brazilian scientists, Marcelo Beltrão Molento, professor at Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), and Regina Silva de Oliveira Bento, professor at Federal University of Uberlância (UFU), were selected for the TAG on Ecosystem Services. It is composed by 36 experts from 20 countries, which are the ones represented in the TAG on Circular Bioeconomy Approaches plus Gambia, Pakistan, Tunisia, and Zimbabwe.
Rachel Prado has been working on the topic within the scope of Embrapa's Environmental Services Portfolio. She explains that the aim of the TAG is to create, until 2024, guidelines for measuring and accounting the multifunctionality of ecosystem services provided in the context of livestock. LEAP constantly evaluates the environmental performance of global livestock.
“The group will work together with research networks to support decision making. The ones dealing with biodiversity, nutrients, water, and soil carbon, such as Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock (GASL), German Association of the Study of the Liver (GASL), Global Soil Partnership, and Ecosystem Services Partnership”, she adds.
Eliana Lima (MTb 22.047/SP)
Embrapa Environment
Press inquiries
Phone number: +55 19 3311-2748
Fernando Gregio (MTb 42.280/SP)
Embrapa Soils
Press inquiries
Phone number: +55 21 2179-4622
Translation: Ana Maranhão
Superintendency of Communications
Further information on the topic
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