18/07/24 |   Research, Development and Innovation

Brazilian fish farming exports keep rising

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Photo: iStock

iStock - Over 90% of the fish Brazil exported in the second quarter of the year was tilapia

Over 90% of the fish Brazil exported in the second quarter of the year was tilapia

The period between January and June saw the same volume of exports of last year as a whole


Brazilian fish farming generated a volume of US$ 23.7 million in exports in the first half of the year, which represents 96% of the sector's exports for the whole year of 2023. A comparison of the second with the first quarter of 2024 shows a 72% growth, from US$8.7 million between January and March to US$15 million from April to June. The excellent figures confirm the steady growth trend observed in recent years in the segment. 

The finding and other data are available on the Fish Farming Foreign Trade Bulletin, which is in its 18th edition. The quarterly document published data from Comex Stat, an official system by the Brazilian Ministry of the Economy that gathers foreign trade statistics. Embrapa Fisheries and Aquaculture analyzes and organizes such data as a bulletin that has been published since 2020. Nowadays the report is one of the main products of the Aquacultural Intelligence Center (CIAqui).

Total exports have been growing every month in 2024 and reached US$5.5 million in June. In terms of product categories, fresh or frozen fillets remain the most exported one. In the second quarter, the volume was US$10.1 million, a 79% increase from the US$5.65 million recorded in the first quarter. The share of this category in the set of exports between April and June was 67%; the second main category, 26% (or US$3.9 million) of the total, was frozen whole fish.

As expected, tilapia was the species Brazil exported the most in the second quarter of 2024: 92% of all exported fish was of the species, which is the most cultivated one in Brazil. Also as expected, the United States was the main destination for Brazilian fish farming exports in the period, reaching an amount of US$ 12.9 million or 87% of the total that Brazil sold to other countries between April and June. That was followed by Peru, with 7% of Brazil's fish exports.

In terms of average prices, four out of the five categories of tilapia products sold abroad had a price increase, comparing the second quarter of this year with 2023's. Whole frozen tilapia, whole fresh or chilled tilapia, frozen tilapia fillets, and fresh or chilled tilapia fillets have had price rises, while tilapia byproducts that are unfit for human consumption have fallen. On a special note, fresh or chilled tilapia fillets moved from US$6.63/kg in the second quarter of last year to US$7.93/kg in the second quarter of 2024.



Publication: Fish Farming Foreign Trade - Issue 18 (file in Portuguese)

Reference: second quarter of 2024

Partnership: Embrapa Pesca e Aquicultura and Brazilian Fish Farming Association (PeixeBR)

Clenio Araujo (6279/MG)
Embrapa Fisheries and Aquaculture

Press inquiries

Phone number: +55 63 99952-5917

Translation: Mariana Medeiros
Embrapa's Superintendency of Communications

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Citizen Attention Service (SAC)

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