Twenty Embrapa researchers are included in new Elsevier ranking
Twenty Embrapa researchers are included in new Elsevier ranking
Twenty researchers from 13 Embrapa units are among the most cited in the world, according to a study by Stanford University (United States) and published by the Dutch publishing house Elsevier's website on September 16, 2024. In comparison with the last ranking prepared by the institutions in 2023 with data from 2022, two researchers were dropped (there were 22). In counterbalance, the number of scientists who are in both lists – career-long and 2023 impact – grew from 11 to 14 in the same period (check the boxes below). The study uses citations from the Scopus database to assess the impact researchers had throughout their careers (from 1996 to the end of 20232) and throughout the entire past year.
The database generated by the study gathers standardized information on citations - h-index (a metric widely used worldwide to quantify scientists' productivity and impact based on their most cited papers), co-authorship adjusted hm-index, citations to papers in different authorship positions, and a composite indicator (c-score). Scientists are classified into 22 scientific fields and 174 sub-fields. The study includes scientists who are among the most influential 100,000 according to the c-score. The calculations were based on all authors' profiles on Scopus on August 1, 2024.
Check here the news article on the results of the survey conducted in 2022 and published in 2023.
The 14 most cited in their career and in 2023Johanna Döbereiner (Embrapa Agrobiology in memoriam) Döbereiner was a pioneer in the development of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) through bacteria that can perform this process. Her studies progressed so well that they contributed to the advancement of the Pró-Álcool program and also to placing Brazil as the second largest soybean producer in the world, only behind the United States. BNF offers a replacement of nitrogen-based chemical fertilizers, which poses economic, social, and environmental advantages. It is estimated that BNF annually contributes with around 258 million tons of nitrogen (N) in different ecosystems around the globe, out of which approximately 60 million tons are in agriculture. Henriette Azeredo (Embrapa Instrumentation) Azeredo works on research focused on films and coatings made from renewable and biodegradable compounds (preferentially made from food by-products, following the biorefinery concept). These materials can have different applications, but the researcher has focused on those related to food stability (e.g., active packaging and edible films/coatings). She has also worked with the application of bacterial cellulose on foods. According to the researcher, making science in Brazil is like an obstacle course race. The difficulties in fundraising and the bureaucracy take time and focus away from the main goals to meet unproductive demands. Jayme Barbedo (Embrapa Digital Agriculture) Barbedo has dedicated himself to the application of image processing and machine learning technologies in the development of solutions for the agricultural sector. His lines of research include the automated recognition of plant diseases through digital imaging, the development of an equipment to identify crop diseases at early stages by reading neural signals, and detection and count of head of cattle in fields using images captured by drones. “It is a great satisfaction to see the result of our work gain prominence and influence other researchers around the world”, he celebrates. George Brown (Embrapa Forestry) Brown works with several aspects of the relationship between edaphic fauna (specially worms) and soil. In addition, the researcher studies the effects of environmental contaminants on these animals and is also involved in the identification of different species. His publications on worms are well known internationally by those who work in the same field. The researcher has already published articles in Science and Scientific Reports (Nature), showing the importance of worms as bioindicators of environmental quality and for plant productivity due to their beneficial effects on soil physical, chemical, and biological properties. Dario Grattapaglia (Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology) Grattapaglia is responsible for sequencing the genome of eucalyptus, a scientific production result with a large impact on society, and also for other studies with national and international recognition. At Embrapa Genetic Resources & Biotechnology since 1994, he works in the fields of genetics, genomics, and plant breeding, with emphasis on perennial forest and fruit species. In addition, the researcher works on the development and applications of genomic technologies to solve problems related to the breeding and conservation of plant and animal genetic resources. Cristiane Farinas (Embrapa Instrumentation) At Embrapa Instrumentation for 14 years, the chemical engineer studies biochemical processes, with emphasis on bioprocesses, bioenergy, biorefineries, enzymes, nanocellulose, and biofertilizers. Recently, she has been working on projects with the team from the Research Network of Nanotechnology Applied to Agribusiness (AgroNano). Farinas is also part of the permanent staff of the Postgraduate Program in Chemical Engineering of Universidade Federal de São Carlos (PPG-EQ/UFSCar) and of the Postgraduate Program in Biotechnology of the same university (PPG-Biotec/UFSCar), where she completed her undergraduate studies; her master’s and doctoral degrees were earned at Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp). Mariangela Hungria (Embrapa Soybean) Hungria's trajectory is marked by research on microbial biodiversity, soil microbiology and biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). Her contribution for the advance soybean cropping is noteworthy, especially for the development of BNF-related technologies. Hungria also coordinated research that culminated with the launch of other technologies: authorization/recommendation of bacteria (rhizobia) for bean cropping; Azospirillum for corn, wheat and pastures with Brachiaria grasses; and coinoculation of rhizobia and Azospirillum for soybeans, beans and pastures. “Composing the list certainly reflects researchers' major personal efforts, considering the difficulties of funding for Brazilian public research”, she states. Luiz Henrique Mattoso (Embrapa Instrumentation) A pioneer in nanotechnology at Embrapa, Mattoso works in the areas of conductive polymers, biopolymers, bionanocomposites, sensors, biomaterials, nanofibers, nanocellulose, natural rubber, and polymeric materials from renewable sources. The legacy of his work at Labex from 2005 to 2007 can be currently seen in the results obtained by the Nanotechnology Network, with over 150 researchers in 53 public and private partner institutions, and at the National Laboratory of Nanotechnology for Agribusiness (LNNA) – for multiple users –, located in São Carlos, in the state of São Paulo. “It is the teamwork that makes a difference and can lead to new results and to impacting technological solutions. Sharing scientific knowledge is fundamental for the emergence of new generations of professionals dedicated to nanotechnology and agribusiness”, he comments. Antônio Panizzi (Embrapa Wheat) Panizzi has developed research in bioecology, damage to different crops, and integrated pest management for 49 years at Embrapa. He has authored 622 publications, including papers, scientific notes, books, book chapters, proceedings, and technical texts. In a pioneer study, he evaluated the action of stink bugs in a sequence of cultivated and non-cultivated host plants, anticipating the issue of biodiversity and conservation as early as the 1980s, which led him to be invited to be part of the select group of authors of the Annual Review of Entomology in 1997, the entomology journal with the highest impact factor. Caue Ribeiro (Embrapa Instrumentation) The materials engineer and PhD in Chemistry is the coordinator of the Network of Nanotechnology for Agribusiness (AgroNano), of the National Laboratory of Nanotechnology for Agribusiness (LNNA) and of the Embrapa's Portfolio of Nanotechnology Projects. Since 2007, he has worked at Embrapa Instrumentation in research in the areas of synthesis of nanomateriais, studies of crystal growth in nanoparticle colloids, catalytic activity of nanoparticles, and nanostructured systems of slow and controlled release of agricultural inputs. “I was impressed with the news. I feel very thankful to Embrapa, as I know that this recognition is not only mine, but for the institution where I built practically my entire scientific career after my PhD. The challenges and opportunities provided by Embrapa are recognized there”. Dias' research focuses on Amazon fish health and parasitology, especially the sanitary problems related to fish production and disease treatment. He also carries out studies on the ecology of native fish populations that are important for the fishing industry and for fish production. These are broad themes, but the researcher has narrowed his focus on sanitary problems in fish farming in Amapá state and on chemical antiparasitic treatments, especially against monogeneans, a parasite that attacks cultivated fish, as well as the use of phytotherapeutic essential and fixed oils obtained from the Amazon rainforest and cultivated in Brazil. He has also worked in the description of new species that parasite Amazon fish with master’s and doctoral students. Robert Boddey (Embrapa Agrobiology)- retired Boddey, an Englishman who has been living in Brazil since the late 1970s, came to work at Embrapa after being invited by the researcher Johanna Döbereiner. With a degree in Agricultural Chemistry, a PhD in Agriculture, and extensive experience in the areas of soil science and microbiology, he works in the areas of nutrient cycling in agroecosystems, analysis of the impact of agriculture and livestock on the production of greenhouse gases, intercropping of forages and legumes to increase soil carbon sequestration, and studies for the quantification of nitrogen biological fixation (BNF) in grasses and legumes. Rosires Deliza (Embrapa Food Technology) Boddey, an Englishman who has been living in Brazil since the late 1970s, came to work at Embrapa after being invited by the researcher Johanna Döbereiner. With a degree in Agricultural Chemistry, a PhD in Agriculture, and extensive experience in the areas of soil science and microbiology, he works in the areas of nutrient cycling in agroecosystems, analysis of the impact of agriculture and livestock on the production of greenhouse gases, intercropping of forages and legumes to increase soil carbon sequestration, and studies for the quantification of nitrogen biological fixation (BNF) in grasses and legumes. Nand Kumar Fageria (Embrapa Rice and Beans in memoriam) The researcher obtained a bachelor's degree in Agronomy from the University of Udaipur (1965), a master’s degree in Agronomy from the Agriculture University of Udaipar, Rajasthan (1967), a PhD in Agronomy from Universite Catholique of Louvain (1973), and a post-doctoral degree at USDA-ARS, Beckley/Beltsville. Fageria worked as a researcher at Embrapa in the area of Agronomy, with emphasis on soil fertility and fertilization. The main lines of his research were: upland rice, Brazilian Cerrado soils, soil acidity, irrigated rice, and beans. He authored more than 320 publications, including 14 books. He also gave lectures in the United States, Canada, Japan, China, India, Portugal, Australia, Sri Lanka, and Belgium.
The six most cited in 2023 (supplement to the list above)Renata Tonon (Embrapa Food Technology) Tonon works in the area of food processing, with a focus on the processes for the extraction and microencapsulation of bioactive compounds, aiming to aggregate value to plant raw materials and agroindustrial waste. The researcher has been working in this line since her doctoral degree, when she obtained a powdered açaí pulp that is rich in antioxidant compounds. After that, during her post-doctoral studies, she worked in projects to microencapsulate plant oils, such as those of linseed and roasted coffee, in order to protect them against oxidation. Such studies resulted in her papers that had the most repercussion. Morsyleide Rosa (Embrapa Tropical Agroindustry) Rosa works with the development of products and processes focused on the sustainable and whole use of Brazilian biomass, with emphasis on bionanocomposites. Regarding her recognition, Rosa believes that it reflects the level of interest in the work performed by Embrapa. "After all, the number of citations is an indicator of the relevance of a scientific study. To have this type of reach, it is fundamental to build partnerships, in order to establish scientific and technological collaboration both with academia and with the production sector”. She also observes that this result is a consequence of a new mosaic of investments in the country, where the Brazilian Northeast has been gaining more and more room in the national scientific scenario. Rodrigo Mendes (Embrapa Environment) Since his first undergraduate research experiences, Mendes has been interested in understanding the interaction between soil and plant microbial communities. He compares the development of mass genome sequencing techniques in the 2000s to a reinvention of the microscope, as it enabled the understanding of the interaction between plants and microorganisms and opened pathways for more sustainable food production. "It allowed the description of mechanisms that show how the microorganisms that compose the system defend the plant against pathogen infections. We also investigated how plant domestication can impact interactions with microorganisms, paving the way for a more sustainable food production”, he explains. Daniel Corrêa (Embrapa Instrumentation) The materials engineer and postdoctoral scholar in the area of Materials Science and Engineering and Nanotechnology states that it was a surprise and joy to have his name included in the prestigious list published by Elsevier. The ranking shows that the results obtained by scientists at Embrapa Instrumentation and partners are being used and cited by researchers of other RD&I institutions in Brazil and the world. “Embrapa provides an environment that is inducive to teamwork and interdisciplinary work, which favors deliveries of impacting results for agribusiness with sustainability, to the benefit of all of society”, he says. Adeney de Freitas Bueno (Embrapa Soybean)
Freitas has a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in Agronomy from the Federal University of Santa Maria; a PhD in Biology and postdoctoral studies in Plant Sciences from the University of California - Davis, USA; and specializes in Plant Physiology, Plant Nutrition, Molecular Biology, and Post-harvest Physiology and Technology. He works as a researcher at Embrapa Semiarid Region and as a professor for the Graduate School in Agronomy at the Federal University of the São Francisco River Valley and the State University of Bahia, for the Graduate School in Food Science and Technology at the Federal University of Sergipe, and for the Graduate School in Vegetable and Fruit Post-Harvest at the Federal Institute - Sertão Pernambucano campus. |
Fernanda Diniz (MtB 4685/DF)
Embrapa's Superintendency of Communications
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Phone number: +55 61 3448-4364
Translation: Mariana Medeiros (13044/DF)
Embrapa's Superintendency of Communications
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