Southern Cone cooperative program publishes nutritional data from regional foods
Southern Cone cooperative program publishes nutritional data from regional foods
Nutritional data from plant and animal products of interest from Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay - beef, mutton, llama meat, cow milk, goat milk, honey, guava, orange and lemon, avocado, tomato, quinoa and stevia - have been publicized by the Regional Plataform for Integral Quality in Agrifood Systems (Plataforma Regional Calidad Integral de los Sistemas Agroalimentarios - PReCISAA), which has counted on the participation of the researcher from Embrapa Food Technology Regina Lago, Brazil's representative in the Cooperative Program for the Development of Agricultural Technology in the Southern Cone, Programa Cooperativo para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Agropecuario del Cono Sur or PROCISUR. The study is in the booklet "Caracterización del Valor Nutricional de Alimentos", available in Spanish. To access it, click here.
The Regional Plataforms are coordination circles to connect and integrate private and public stakeholders from a specific sector into cooperative enterprises, so as to promote technological development and innovation in areas of common interest.
Learn more about Procisur and the Platforms on:
Mariana de Lima Medeiros
João Eugênio Diaz Rocha (MTb 19276 RJ)
Embrapa Food Technology
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