Clean Technologies Applied to Pig Farming: Establishing Sanitary and Environmental Standards of Effluents Reuse as Subsidies to Conservation and Efficient Use of Water

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The main environmental problems associated with the waste produced in intensive pig farming are its high organic load, high amount of nutrients, the presence of some metallic species and of micro-organisms, some of which are known pathogenic agents. In general, the waste treatment systems in pig farms still lack the ability to reduce or eliminate pathogenic agents from the waste produced, a fact which makes it difficult to reuse the water in the very facility or even in agriculture. Seasonal fluctuations can also affect the results in the processes of removal of organic load and pathogenic agents. This project aims to evaluate two distinct methods of waste treatment in pig farms: a biodigester followed by a system of lakes and a waste treatment facility, with focus on the physico-chemical and micro-biological parameters of the residual waters before and after the treatment. These data will be used to guide the decisions regarding the reuse and recycling of water under a technical standpoint and in the creation of specific legislation for the sector, thus filling up a great gap that exists in the country, considering that research on water recycling has been focused on urban environments, with disregard to the agricultural and stockbreeding sectors.


Status: Completed Start date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2009 Conclusion date: Sat Dec 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2011

Head Unit: Embrapa Swine & Poultry

Project leader: Airton Kunz
