Agroforestry as an alternative for the sustainable development of family dairy farming in mountainous areas
Agroforestry as an alternative for the sustainable development of family dairy farming in mountainous areas
Photo: La Falce, Marcos
Family farming is an economically important segment nationwide, but has many weaknesses of social and technological order. Parallel to this, concerns about the negative environmental impacts of agriculture, livestock and forestry are getting increasingly important on the agenda of society, and the use of inadequate agricultural practices is one of the main causes of degradation of cultivated areas. Given the growing worldwide demand for food, fiber, wood and biofuels, and the consequent need for expanding the agricultural frontier, agroforestry systems (AGFS) gain prominence as an alternative for sustainable cropping for enabling optimization of land use with environmental gains and increased productivity. Thus, from the perspective of Family farming focused on milk production, located in mountainous areas of the regions of Zona da Mata Mineira and Campos das Vertentes of the State of Minas Gerais, this project conducts studies on the aspects of the management of these systems and their influence on the productivity of the agricultural, livestock and forestry components, assesses the effects of the system on the dynamics of chemical, physical and biological soil attributes and, as a last step, performs the adaptation of the system in property areas where there have been its adoption, considering the experience and knowledge acquired by farmers who have appropriated the technology. In addition, the limiting factors for the adoption of the technology by farmers are also studied. Specific actions include monitoring the impacts of AGFS technologies on physical and chemical soil properties, the determination of crop management indicators in integrated production systems, the determination of zootechnical indicators, monitoring of technical and economic coefficients in dairy farms in integrated production systems, the systematization of experiences and technology transfer actions, and the evaluation and adaptation of system management practices. Given the long term feature of this kind of research, it is expected as a result of this project the generation of knowledge and information together with family farmers regarding plantation arrangements, management of system components, farm financial and management aspects, as well as the identification of limiting factor for the adoption of these systems in order to seek alternatives.
Ecosystem: Atlantic Forest
Status: Completed Start date: Thu May 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2014 Conclusion date: Mon Apr 30 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2018
Head Unit: Embrapa Dairy Cattle
Project leader: Marcelo Dias Muller
Keywords: leite, agricultura familiar, sustentabilidade, integração, agrossilvicultura