Structuring project for research and innovation: Multi-use Complex on Livestock Bioefficiency and Sustainability
Structuring project for research and innovation: Multi-use Complex on Livestock Bioefficiency and Sustainability
Photo: Brigato, Márcio
Livestock is one of the main highlights of Brazilian agribusiness. In recent years, issues related to food safety, energy, and environmental security have been the subject of discussions. In this scenario, the increase in demand for food and at the same time the pressure of society and importing countries for sustainable production systems, which requires a paradigm shift in agricultural production systems. In this context of rapid change, increasing the livestock efficiency is essential to ensure increases in productivity and reduction of environmental impacts. As a catalyst for research efforts with this focus, a Multiuser Experimental Complex of Bioethics and Livestock Sustainability was structured, including laboratories: Laboratory of Metabolism and Environmental Impacts of Livestock; Laboratory of Biotechnology and Ambience; Laboratory of Precision Livestock and; Laboratory of Animal Health. The four laboratories of the complex, located at distinct stages of implementation. A technical team from Embrapa Gado de Leite and partners, after a systematized survey, looking at a possibility granted with this notice, listed strategic equipment for the strengthening of the multi-user structure, prioritizing: i) equipment for structuring the animal health laboratory; ii) complementary equipment related to the laboratories of metabolism, environmental impacts, and precision livestock; iii) equipment for research in biotechnology and ambience; and iv) expansion of the bioinformatics laboratory. The acquisition of the equipment had allowed to increase the capacity and operational quality of the research conducted in the Multiuser Complex, providing the intensification of multidisciplinary and integrated studies, belonging to Embrapa Portfolios and Arrangements. Os equipamentos já estão em uso e contribuem para realização de pesquisas que geram novas tecnologias, produtos e serviços. The equipments are already in use and contributes to research that generates new technologies, products and services.
Status: Completed Start date: Sun Jun 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2014 Conclusion date: Tue May 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2016
Head Unit: Embrapa Dairy Cattle
Project leader: Humberto de Mello Brandao