Development of nanostructured biomaterials from mango seed added clayminerals and poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) - PHB

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Photo: BIROLO, Fernanda Muniz Bez

The farmer and the processing juice industry in Brazil and abroad, seeking ways to reduce their losses, through the use of new varieties, diversification of processing to obtain new products and the establishment of partnerships with centers research for the development of techniques using the residue of agribusiness. Aim thereby reducing the environmental impact generated by the production process and maximize your profits.

In this context, the Embrapa Food Technology, in partnership with the Mineral Technology Center - CETEM, UFRJ/COPPO/PEMM/Laboratory Biopolymers Embrapa Agricultural Instrumentation and Agricultural Research Corporation the State of Rio de Janeiro-PESAGRO, with the collaboration of the company 2M3D Ind. e Com. de Plásticos Ltda. ME., lead this project with the objetive of developing new biomaterials from the tailings of use (seed) of mango juice industry in order to add value to the waste produced in an integrated manner to the economy of the region and minimize environmental impact.

Research on development belongs to Nanotechnology’s Group and is guided studies on the use of industry waste already developed at Embrapa, not only in the food sector, but also the field of new materials and science of the earth, from the use natural polymers (core of the ground sleeve), added to other components such as claysminerals of the smectite group, the poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) - PHB and poly (lactic acid) - PLA.

Analytical process predefined by casting, extrusion, injection and compression molding, identifying their physical-chemical-morphological, mechanical and biodegradability of biomaterials (films) of the obtained composite in order to obtain new composites and biomaterials for the development of packaging and coatings in the food area, as well as for other industrial applications (packaging industry, pre-molded and others).

Status: Completed Start date: Sun Feb 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015 Conclusion date: Mon Jul 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2017

Head Unit: Embrapa Food Technology

Project leader: Edla Maria Bezerra Lima


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