Bioprospection and development of immunostimulatory diets for fingerlings and juveniles of Arapaima gigas Arapaima
Bioprospection and development of immunostimulatory diets for fingerlings and juveniles of Arapaima gigas Arapaima
The project aims to technically and scientifically support the development of aquaculture production of pirarucu (Arapaima gigas), with new technologies in the areas of nutrition and health. The physiological mechanisms for the validation of the use of immunostimulating products and probiotics that act as prophylactics for the cultivation of fingerlings and juveniles of pirarucu will be the basis of the study. The innovations obtained will be transferred to the productive sector, establishing a protocol of Good Management Practices (GMPs) to maintain the well-being of these species. In addition to reducing the environmental impact of aquaculture through sustainable diets.
Status: Completed Start date: Sun Dec 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2013 Conclusion date: Fri Nov 30 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2018
Keywords: Imunoestimulantes, Probióticos, Imunidade, Parasitos, Desempenho zootécnico