Biodiversity of Psylloidea in Brazil

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Psyllids are small jumping insects in the superfamily Psylloidea (Hemiptera) which damage tovarious agricultural and forest crops. Some psyllids can transmit bacterial diseases to plants:the Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina Citra Kuwayama) transmits Huanglongbing disease (citrusgreening), currently considered the most serious citrus disease in Asia and America. There arean estimated 1000 psyllid species in Brazil, but approximately 90% have not yet beendescribed; as of 2012, only 73 species had been reported. Thanks to growing efforts incollections and taxonomic work, the number is now practically doubled, with the descriptionof several new species and genera. These collections have substantially expanded knowledgeabout the psyllids in Brazil, but still represent only a small percentage of the Psylloidea fauna inthe country. For this reason, the Memorandum of Understanding between Embrapa and theNaturhistorisches Museum (Basel, Switzerland) was renewed in order to extend a technicalcooperation project to look for and catalog Brazil's Psylloidea. This current study will continueand advance research on these insects by collecting, identifying, describing, and characterizingthe potential for damage by Psylloidea in Brazil. The insects and damaged plant material willbe gathered and sent to the Embrapa Florestas Entomology Laboratory for screening, andsubsequently forwarded to the Naturhistorisches Museum in Switzerland for mounting,identification, and description of new species. For all new species described, the type materialwill be deposited in the Entomology Museum at UFPR. The data generated by this project willbe made available for use in planning and decision-making by relevant institutions to producepositive impacts in plant health and defense activities at the federal and state levels. Anadditional product will be the data required for correct identification of these insects, whichwill form the basis for monitoring and defining strategies to manage pest species; this in turncan have a positive impact on productivity of planted forests and management of nativespecies.

Status: In progress Start date: Thu Feb 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2018 Conclusion date: Fri Mar 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2028

Head Unit: Embrapa Forestry

Project leader: Guilherme Schnell e Schuhli
