New technologies to improve and boost the efficiency of greenhouse gas monitoringtechniques
New technologies to improve and boost the efficiency of greenhouse gas monitoringtechniques
New technologies can increase efficiency and improve techniques for monitoring greenhousegas emissions, reducing labor needs and improving the quality of data collected. But these newtechnologies require testing to confirm applicability under specific conditions and defineprotocols for their use. This project will establish procedures to minimize labor needs in thefield and systematize data collection, ensuring greater uniformity and lower sample error. Italso tests new equipment that can permit faster data collection, lower analysis costs, andgreater detail. Use of terrestrial laser scanning in forestry applications will also be investigatedto simplify field activities. This technology has already been used for this purpose, but requiresadjustments for use on a nation-wide scale and for the end uses of the data collected,determining its use and potential. Another technology that will be tested in forest systems isthe use of drones in imaging; numerous joint images make it possible to represent anoverflown surface and classify it with specific sensors. All the technologies that will beinvestigated are intended to reduce costs and make analysis more efficient.
Status: Completed Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019 Conclusion date: Sun Jul 31 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2022
Head Unit: Embrapa Forestry
Project leader: Luiz Marcelo Brum Rossi