Innovative technologies of the Direct Planting System (SPD) and Crop-Livestock Integration (ICL) for the sustainable development of agriculture in Mato Grosso
Innovative technologies of the Direct Planting System (SPD) and Crop-Livestock Integration (ICL) for the sustainable development of agriculture in Mato Grosso
Crop areas in Mato Grosso have undergone a profound transformation in biology, physics and soil chemistry due to the conduction of production systems that can lead to a reduction in the organic matter content, such as, for example, conventional planting and succession soy-corn production, contributing to the degradation of soil attributes. These areas, used as crops in the Cerrado and Amazon biomes and in the transition between them, have presented problems, causing productivity losses and an increase in the production cost of grain crops, especially soy and corn, in addition to the degradation of natural resources, mainly water and ground. This degradation is linked to profound changes in the physical quality of these soils, causing the loss of their original structure. Soil compaction, together with laminar erosion, has been characterized as one of the most relevant environmental problems resulting from intense soil mobilization.On the other hand, the problems related to the low productivity and profitability inherent to the extensive and extractive systems of livestock production have been gradually aggravated by the inadequate management of the soil-plant-animal system and by the inefficient management of the business, factors that still explain the extensive areas of pastures in the process of degradation or already degraded in different locations in the country, as well as in several regions of Mato Grosso. In low productivity or degraded pastures, the zootechnical and economic indices are insufficient to guarantee the sustainability of the livestock activity. This condition has led several ranchers to perpetuate the strategy of opening new areas of native vegetation, with the belief that this strategy is a viable solution, and sometimes the only one, to ensure the flow of financial resources on the property. Therefore, in degraded pastures, in addition to problems of an economic nature, undesirable environmental and social impacts are verified, in view of the commitment of resources and the quality of the soil, water and air and the inevitable reduction of jobs, the quality of life and encouraging people to remain in rural areas.In the view of Embrapa and the other partners in this project, considering the consecrated aptitude of the mid-north region of Mato Grosso for the production of grains in the “noble” areas and livestock in the areas of lesser agricultural aptitude (called “marginal” by the producers rural areas), the true Direct Planting System (SPD), meeting all its premises, and the Crop-Livestock Integration (ICL) are the best strategic options for intensive and sustainable use of the soil, verticalizing agricultural production on the rural property, providing sufficient income for the owner and his successors, while also respecting the environment.The proposed project is of a hybrid nature, involving RD&I, TT and Communication work, focused on innovative consortium technologies for the 2nd harvest and microbiological solubilization of soil phosphorus aimed at Direct Planting Systems (SPD) and Crop-Livestock Integration (ILP ). Most of the RD&I and a good part of the TT will be developed at Fazenda Santana, one of the project partners along with UFMT and Clube Amigos da Terra (CAT – Sorriso). Fazenda Santana, owned by Mrs. Dudy Paiva (currently president of CAT), is located in the municipality of Sorriso (MT) and, since 2015, has met the “Responsable Soy” standard (RTRS certification), being a reference in sustainable soy production and corn with respect for the environment.
Status: Completed Start date: Tue Dec 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2020 Conclusion date: Tue Apr 30 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2024
Head Unit: Embrapa Agrosilvopastoral
Project leader: Dulandula Silva Miguel Wruck