Controversies about the process of technology transfer from public research institutions in Brazil: the case of the Brazilian agricultural research corporation: Embrapa.

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Autoria: BASSI, N. S. S.; SILVA, C. DA S.; SCHNEIDER, A. H.; CARVALHO, H. G. de

Resumo: This article investigates the process of technology transfer in the Embrapa - Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, one of the most important center for tropical agricultural technology in the world. Our research is survey-based, and a questionnaire was applied to the employees working at strategic and operational level of a research unit of Embrapa. The results demonstrate that the technology transfer from Embrapa needs instruments, standards and standardized strategies. The lack of standardization of the can lead to disjointed actions among professionals and researchers, and may to make the Embrapa is seen in a fragmented form. Is important to explore new alternatives to treat simultaneously the issues of planning, research and development, transfer and communication in order to reset the current model, such as the use of Dual - use of technology transfer, characterized by a strong interaction between the chain production and potential users of the technology.

Ano de publicação: 2014

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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