Validation of the global land Cover 2000 map.

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Resumo: The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC), in partnership with 30 institutions, has produced a global land cover map for the year 2000, the GLC 2000 map. The validation of the GLC2000 product has now been completed. The accuracy assessment relied on two methods: a confidence-building method (quality control based on a comparison with ancillary data) and a quantitative accuracy assessment based on a stratified random sampling of reference data. The sample site stratification used an underlying grid of Landsat data and was based on the proportion of priority land cover classes and on the landscape complexity. A total of 1265 sample sites have been interpreted. The first results indicate an overall accuracy of 68.6%. The GLC2000 validation exercise has provided important experiences. The design-based inference conforms to the CEOS Cal-Val recommendations and has proven to be successful. Both the GLC2000 legend development and reference data interpretations used the FAO Land Cover Classification System (LCCS). Problems in the validation process were identified for areas with heterogeneous land cover. This issue appears in both in the GLC2000 (neighborhood pixel variations) and in the reference data (cartographic and thematic mixed units). Another interesting outcome of the GLC2000 validation is the accuracy reporting. Error statistics are provided from both the producer and user perspective and incorporates measures of thematic similarity between land cover classes derived from LCCS.

Ano de publicação: 2006

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico

Palavras-chave: Vegetation mapping


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