Linearization of the Bradford protein assay to application in cow milk proteins quantification by UV-Vis spectrophotometry method.

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Autoria: SANTOS, A. S. de O. dos; COSTA, F. F.; ESTEVES, W. T.; BRITO, M. A. V. P. e; FURTADO, M. A. M.; MARTINS, M. F.

Resumo: Reliable methods for determination and quantification of total protein in food are essential information to ensure quality and safety of food trade. The objective of this study was to evaluate the linearity of calibration curves obtained from different proteins (blood serum albumin-BSA, ?-LA, ?-LG, caseins (CN): ?s, ? and ?-CAS) with the reagent of Bradford. Comercial UHT skimmed bovine milk was analyzed for the determination of total protein using the Bradford method by reading at 595 nm. The determination of the concentrations of total milk protein was achieved by linear regression. The Bradford method showed a high sensitivity for the determination of total proteins in bovine milk dilution 1:25 to values closer to those obtained by the Kjeldahl method. The results showed that the calibration curve of standard proteins ?-CN and BSA obtained better linearity with less variation in the absorbance measurements for the determination of total protein of milk.

Ano de publicação: 2014

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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